To check the cluster name use, $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/cemutlo -n
All posts by Skant Gupta
dbaascli database start
The database start subcommand of the dbaascli utility can be used to start the database instance and open the database. Execute this command as the oracle user. dbaascli database start
dbaascli database changepassword
The database changepassword subcommand of the dbaascli utility is used to change the password of a database user. Execute this command as the oracle user. dbaascli database changepassword Enter the user name and new password when prompted.
dbaascli database bounce
The database bounce subcommand of the dbaascli utility can be used to shut down and restart the database. Execute this command as the oracle user. dbaascli database bounce
dbaascli listener stop
The listener stop subcommand of the dbaascli utility is used to stop the listener. Execute this command as the oracle user. dbaascli listener stop
dbaascli listener bounce
The listener bounce subcommand of the dbaascli utility is used to stop and restart the listener. Execute this command as the oracle user. dbaascli listener bounce
Top Sql in Exadata
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT sql_id, executions, physical_read_bytes FROM v$sqlstats WHERE io_cell_offload_eligible_bytes = 0 ORDER BY physical_read_bytes DESC ) WHERE ROWNUM <= 10 /
Show Exadata cell versions
SELECT cellname cv_cellname , CAST(extract(xmltype(confval), ‘/cli-output/interdatabaseplan/objective/text()’) AS VARCHAR2(20)) objective , CAST(extract(xmltype(confval), ‘/cli-output/interdatabaseplan/status/text()’) AS VARCHAR2(15)) status , CAST(extract(xmltype(confval), ‘/cli-output/interdatabaseplan/name/text()’) AS VARCHAR2(30)) interdb_plan , CAST(extract(xmltype(confval), ‘/cli-output/interdatabaseplan/catPlan/text()’) AS VARCHAR2(30)) cat_plan , CAST(extract(xmltype(confval), ‘/cli-output/interdatabaseplan/dbPlan/text()’) AS VARCHAR2(30)) db_plan FROM v$cell_config WHERE conftype = ‘IORM’ ORDER BY cv_cellname /
SQL*Plus History In Oracle 12.2
In Oracle 12.2, SQL*Plus can keep the history of the commands executed. You can enable or disable the HISTORY command in the current SQL*Plus session by using the SET HISTORY command. The history feature is not enabled by default, so after you start SQL*Plus, you need to enable history by running “set hist[ory] on” SQL> […]