Profiler collects fine grained data about MongoDB write operations, cursors, database commands on a running mongod instance. You can enable profiling on a per-database or per-instance basis. The profiler is off by default. Profiler writes all the data it collects to the system.profile collection, which is a capped collection. *.Profiling Levels 0 – the profiler […]
Category: MongoDB
MongoDB Statistics
If you want to objects statistics like (No. of object, collections, datasize etc. Available) follow below the commands. use database db.stats(); <—————- Get the database level statistics; <—————- Get the collection level statistics db.runCommand( { collStats […]
MongoDB Clone Collection
Mongos does not support db.cloneCollection(). 1st Method db.cloneCollection(from, collection, query); db.cloneCollection(‘’, ‘profiles’,{ ‘active’ : true } ) 2nd Method depricated since 3.0 version db.collection.copyTo(“new collection name”); # But its depricated in 3.4 but it works. 3st Method With Mongodump mongodump –db db-name –collection collection-name –archive=collection-name.archive For more detail about Clone Collection: Click Here
MongoDB Host and Port
Get the detail of mongodb Host and mongodb runing on which port fo you get all these type of info from mongo shell. getHostName(); # Hostname info db.serverCmdLineOpts(); # Port info db.serverCmdLineOpts() db.runCommand({whatsmyuri : 1}) # Its is showing both Hostname and Port
MongoDB Rename Collection
Yes you can rename the collection if required but it is not supported on sharded collections. db.collection.renameCollection() db.collection.renameCollection(); db.test_my.renamecollection(“test”); use admin db.adminCommand( { renameCollection: “mydb.test_my”, to: “mydb.test” } )
MongoDB User Creation Details
Good Morning All, Now today give you a small demo for creating user, gives permission and getting user info. # Create user Syntax: db.createuser( {user : “mylogin” , pwd : “mylogin”, roles : [] }); db.createuser( {user : “mylogin” , pwd : “mylogin”, roles : [{role : “userAdminAnyDatabase”, db : “admin”}]}); <—– Full […]
MongoDB GridFS
GridFS is a versatile storage system that is suited to handling large files, such as those exceeding the 16 MB document size limit. For more details about GridFs : Click Here
MongoDB Checkpoint
Yes checkpoint also available in MongoDB: Read my Previous Post Journaling clear the all deatils how the data will be written on physical files. Every 60 seconds or journal file reach 2 GB . whichever first
MongoDB Journaling
It’s also part of storage : the journal is a log that helps the database recover in the event of a hard shutdown. There are several configurable options that allows the journal to strike a balance between performance and reliability that works for your particular use case. In simple Words: With journaling, MongoDB’s storage layer […]
MongoDB Storage/Storage Engine
The storage engine is the primary component of MongoDB responsible for managing data. MongoDB provides a variety of storage engines, allowing you to choose one most suited to your application. WiredTiger Storage Engine (Default) MMAPv1 Storage Engine (Deprecated as of MongoDB 4.0) In-Memory Storage Engine (Rarely Used) Pluggable Storage Engine. (Customized accordingly requirement) Click Here […]