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Category: ORACLE 11G
Recreate Database Using Only Datafile and Logfile
Let’s have look on the steps are used by Oracle DBA for “Recreate Database Using Only Datafile and Logfile”. Backup of the control file in trace SQL> ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO TRACE; create password file and service D:\> orapwd file=D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\database\PWDdba71.ora password=sys entries=10 D:\> oradim -new -sid dba71 -intpwd sys -maxusers 10 -startmode auto -pfile […]
New feature in Oracle 11g database to kill session
Now we can kill session after finishing existing transaction to be finished. Means in previous release there was no scope to finish on going transaction. Instead of “alter system kill session” here we can use “alter system disconnect session”. Using syntax “POST_TRANSACTION” we can kill session for active transaction has to be completed first and […]
Shrink Lob segment in Oracle
Today we are going to have look on “Shrink Lob segment”. Before we start the article we must know about the heading. What does it stands every one must know. Shrinking Segments: Overview Shrinking a sparsely populated segment improves the performance of scan and DML operations on that segment. It resolves mainly two issues:- • Full table scans […]
How to add Datafile in Oracle
Today we are going to learn about modifications of Tablespace. In production Database, we do update tablespace on daily basis. Being a DBA it must be on our key tips. Right decision on correct time is more fruitful. Being DBA our brain must be active about database health on daily basis we must do a modification […]
How to Stop MVIEW from auto refresh
As we are well known that whole technology is getting change towards advancement. All things are working on automatic. Even software works on autonomous. In RDBMS we have a feature to stop automatic refresh MView. Let’s have look how do we stop automatic refresh MView Connect as mview owner. select * from user_jobs where broken =’N’; […]
Startup Procedure in Oracle
We are going to have look at the most basic but most important part of Database. It is the first step of Database. We can call it initial stage of Database. Let’s have look at this image. It indicates some hidden simple and most meaningful message. Ladders are to meant to climb only it shows we […]
Fix Invalid Or Unusable Index in Oracle
Being Master of RDBMS world. We must aware of Index on the database. Indexes play an important role in the life of Database management. Today we are going to have look at the steps which we use to “Fix Invalid Or Unusable Index“. Let’s have look at the steps. Check Unusable or Invalid Index: select index_name name,’No Partition’ partition,’No […]
Apply Patch without shutting the Database
Most of the time, we can shut down the database and listener for patching the database home. But there is a method to apply the patch without shutting down the database and listener. Checking the database and listener running [oracle@oem 12834800]$ ps -ef|grep pmon oracle 16816 1 0 03:11 ? 00:00:00 ora_pmon_PROD4 oracle 18385 1 […]
Network link in expdp
The export operation is performed with data that is consistent up to the specified SCN. If the NETWORK_LINK parameter is specified, then the SCN refers to the SCN of the source database. Follow following steps to the export database using network-link. Source database: demo Target database: uat Database platform : Step 1 : Create a tnsnames.ora […]