Oracle Golden Gate method for initial load  :

1.File to Replicat: Here, extract writes to trail file in canonical format and is replicated via SQL.

2.File to Database Utility: Here, extract writes to a formatted text file and is replicated via database utility.

3.Direct Load: Direct load replicat directly to the target server.

4.Direct Bulk Load: It also replicat directly to the target server using SQL Loader API.

Today we will see the first method for Initial Load using File to Replicat ;

Assumptions :

1. Oracle Database is already installed on the Source and Target server.

2. Oracle Golden Gate Software is already installed on both the Source and the Target server.

3. Both servers have connectivity for 7809 manager port.

Step 1: Login to ./ggsci prompt of Oracle Golden Gate

[oracle@dbatesting gg]$ pwd
[oracle@dbatesting gg]$ ./ggsci

Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle
Version OGGCORE_12.
Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Dec 12 2015 00:54:38
Operating system character set identified as UTF-8.

Copyright (C) 1995, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

GGSCI (dbatesting) 1>

Step 2: Add extract file at the source

GGSCI (dbatesting) 6> edit params ini_g

Userid ggs_owner, password oracle
RmtHost, MgrPort 7809
RmtFile /appndb/gg/dirdat/init, Purge
Table TST.*;

Step 3: You can check and record database scn at this time so you can start your replicat from this point

Note: You must start your replication extract before you start you initial load extract and after initial load extract finishes its works you can start replicat which is created for normal replication and not for the initial load with this SCN number.

SQL> select current_scn from v$database;


Step 4: Now go to OS prompts of $GG_HOME directory and apply the following command

[oracle@dbatesting gg]$ ./extract paramfile dirprm/ini_gg.prm reportfile dirrpt/ini_gg.rpt

Step 5: Check .rpt file

[oracle@dbatesting ~]$ tail -200f /home/appndb/gg/dirrpt/ini_gg.rpt 

2018-12-01 14:05:00  INFO    OGG-01017  Wildcard resolution set to IMMEDIATE because SOURCEISTABLE is used.

                 Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle
    Version OGGCORE_12.
   Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Dec 12 2015 01:10:08
Copyright (C) 1995, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

                    Starting at 2018-12-01 14:05:00

Operating System Version:
Version #2 SMP Wed Nov 14 14:37:56 PST 2018, Release 4.1.12-124.22.2.el6uek.x86_64
Node: dbatesting
Machine: x86_64
                         soft limit   hard limit
Address Space Size   :    unlimited    unlimited
Heap Size            :    unlimited    unlimited
File Size            :    unlimited    unlimited
CPU Time             :    unlimited    unlimited

Process id: 24577


**            Running with the following parameters                  **

2018-12-01 14:05:00  INFO    OGG-03059  Operating system character set identified as UTF-8.

2018-12-01 14:05:00  INFO    OGG-02695  ANSI SQL parameter syntax is used for parameter parsing.
Userid ggs_owner, password ***

2018-12-01 14:05:01  INFO    OGG-03522  Setting session time zone to source database time zone 'GMT'.
RmtHost, MgrPort 7809
RmtFile /appndb/gg/dirdat/init, Purge
Table TST.*;

2018-12-01 14:05:01  INFO    OGG-06508  Wildcard MAP (TABLE) resolved (entry TST.*): Table "TST"."TEST".

2018-12-01 14:05:01  INFO    OGG-06509  Using the following key columns for source table TST.TEST: NO.

2018-12-01 14:05:01  INFO    OGG-06508  Wildcard MAP (TABLE) resolved (entry TST.*): Table "TST"."TT".

2018-12-01 14:05:01  INFO    OGG-06509  Using the following key columns for source table TST.TT: NO.

2018-12-01 14:05:01  INFO    OGG-01851  filecaching started: thread ID: 139984578426624.

2018-12-01 14:05:01  INFO    OGG-01815  Virtual Memory Facilities for: COM
    anon alloc: mmap(MAP_ANON)  anon free: munmap
    file alloc: mmap(MAP_SHARED)  file free: munmap
    target directories:

CACHEMGR virtual memory values (may have been adjusted)
CACHEPAGEOUTSIZE (default):               8M
PROCESS VM AVAIL FROM OS (min):         128G
CACHESIZEMAX (strict force to disk):     96G

Database Version:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE	Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

Database Language and Character Set:

2018-12-01 14:05:07  INFO    OGG-01226  Socket buffer size set to 43520 (flush size 27985).

2018-12-01 14:05:07  INFO    OGG-01478  Output file /appndb/gg/dirdat/init is using format RELEASE 12.2.

2018-12-01 14:05:07  INFO    OGG-02911  Processing table TST.TEST.

2018-12-01 14:05:07  INFO    OGG-02911  Processing table TST.TT.

*                   ** Run Time Statistics **                         *

Report at 2018-12-01 14:05:07 (activity since 2018-12-01 14:05:01)

Output to /appndb/gg/dirdat/init:

From Table TST.TEST:
       #                   inserts:         4
       #                   updates:         0
       #                   deletes:         0
       #                  discards:         0
From Table TST.TT:
       #                   inserts:         3
       #                   updates:         0
       #                   deletes:         0
       #                  discards:         0

REDO Log Statistics
  Bytes parsed                    0
  Bytes output                 1046

It shows it has recorded 4 inserts in TEST table and 3 inserts in TT table.

Step 6: Add replicat in the Target server

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 6> edit params rep_init

End Runtime
Userid ggs_owner@uat2, password oracle
ExtFile /appndb/gg/dirdat/init
Map TST.*, Target TST.*;

Step 7: Now go to os prompt of $GG_HOME directory and run following command

[oracle@localhost gg]$./replicat paramfile dirprm/rep_init.prm reportfile dirrpt/rep_init.rpt

Step 8: Check report file

[oracle@localhost gg]$ tail -200f /appndb/gg/dirrpt/rep_init.rpt 
2018-12-01 18:38:37  WARNING OGG-06439  No unique key is defined for table TT. All viable columns will be used to represent the key, but may not guarantee uniqueness. KEYCOLS may be used to define the key.

2018-12-01 18:38:37  INFO    OGG-02756  The definition for table TST.TT is obtained from the trail file.

2018-12-01 18:38:37  INFO    OGG-06511  Using following columns in default map by name: NO.

2018-12-01 18:38:37  INFO    OGG-06510  Using the following key columns for target table TST.TT: NO.

*                   ** Run Time Statistics **                         *

Last record for the last committed transaction is the following: 
Trail name :  /appndb/gg/dirdat/init
Hdr-Ind    :     E  (x45)     Partition  :     .  (x0c) 
UndoFlag   :     .  (x00)     BeforeAfter:     A  (x41) 
RecLength  :    11 (x000b)    IO Time    : 2018-12-01 14:05:17.497066
IOType     :     5  (x05)     OrigNode   :   255  (xff)
TransInd   :     .  (x03)     FormatType :     R  (x52)
SyskeyLen  :     0  (x00)     Incomplete :     .  (x00)
AuditRBA   :          0       AuditPos   : 0
Continued  :     N  (x00)     RecCount   :     1  (x01)

2018-12-01 14:05:17.497066 Insert             Len    11 RBA 2346
TDR Index: 2 

Reading /appndb/gg/dirdat/init, current RBA 2409, 7 records, m_file_seqno = -1, m_file_rba = 2409

Report at 2018-12-01 18:38:37 (activity since 2018-12-01 18:38:37)

From Table TST.TEST to TST.TEST:
       #                   inserts:         4
       #                   updates:         0
       #                   deletes:         0
       #                  discards:         0
From Table TST.TT to TST.TT:
       #                   inserts:         3
       #                   updates:         0
       #                   deletes:         0
       #                  discards:         0

Last log location read:
     FILE:      /appndb/gg/dirdat/init
     RBA:       2409
     TIMESTAMP: 2018-12-01 14:05:17.497066
     EOF:       NO
     READERR:   400


vm current     =      0    vm anon queues =      0 
vm anon in use =      0    vm file        =      0 
vm used max    =      0    ==> CACHE BALANCED

cache size            =   2G   cache force paging = 3.41G
buffer min            =  64K   buffer max (soft)  =   4M
pageout eligible size =   4M


We can see here , 4 records are inserted in TEST table and 3 records are inserted in the TT table by replicat table.

Let’s check in the table that these records are actually inserted.

[oracle@localhost gg]$ sqlplus tst/oracle

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Dec 3 15:02:43 2018

Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> select count(*) from test;


SQL> select count(*) from tt;


The initial load is successfully completed..!!!

Now you can start your replicat with above recorded SCN number.

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain as ggs_owner@uat2) 18> start replicat rep_gg , aftercsn 1767025

Sending START request to MANAGER ...

Thank you for giving your valuable time to read the above information.

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