This article explains the steps which we use to move  VOTING DISK to another ASM DISK. In first few lines remind us about the definition of VOTING DISK and ASM DISK.  After complete, we have mentioned the way to add a voting disk to another ASM. 


The Voting Disk File is a file on the shared cluster system or a shared raw device file. Voting disk is akin to the quorum disk which helps to avoid the split brain syndrome. The older RAC release called a voting disk a quorum disk, but today it is all called a voting disk. In essence, a voting disk determines which RAC nodes are members of a cluster. Nodes (instances) can be “evicted” and there is always one “master” node that controls other nodes.

What is ASM DISK?

ASM disks are the disks used by Oracle Automatic Storage Management software. Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) co-exists with Oracle ASM disks, by recognizing the disks as the type Oracle ASM. VxVM protects ASM disks from any operations that may overwrite the disk. VxVM classifies and displays the ASM disks as ASM format disks. You cannot initialize an ASM disk, or perform any VxVM operations that may overwrite the disk.

 If you are planning to move your VOTING DISK to another ASM disk, then follow the below steps.

Below activities Need to be done from ROOT user.

Check the existing voting disk details.


root@TEST:/crsapp/app/oracle/product/grid12c/bin# ./crsctl query css votedisk
## STATE File Universal Id File Name Disk group
— —– —————– ——— ———
1. ONLINE f7385c77e5854f7abfc2860ad3b1dfdc (/dev/rdsk/c0t60000970000296800433533030334339d0s6) [MGMTDB]
Located 1 voting disk(s).

Now move the disk to OCRVD asm disk


root@TEST:/crsapp/app/oracle/product/grid12c/bin# ./crsctl replace votedisk +OCRVD
Successful addition of voting disk ab03f02f1d3d4fbcbff09cc8638e921e.
Successful addition of voting disk 97a8408d14214f8fbf5873fcbcb4d557.
Successful addition of voting disk a29133f5f03c4fa4bf8a360eed1032d6.
Successful deletion of voting disk f7385c77e5854f7abfc2860ad3b1dfdc.
Successfully replaced voting disk group with +OCRVD.
CRS-4266: Voting file(s) successfully replaced


Check the voting disk details again

root@TEST:/crsapp/app/oracle/product/grid12c/bin# ./crsctl query css votedisk
## STATE File Universal Id File Name Disk group
— —– —————– ——— ———
1. ONLINE ab03f02f1d3d4fbcbff09cc8638e921e (/dev/rdsk/c0t60000970000296800433533030334342d0s6) [OCRVD]
2. ONLINE 97a8408d14214f8fbf5873fcbcb4d557 (/dev/rdsk/c0t60000970000296800433533030334343d0s6) [OCRVD]
3. ONLINE a29133f5f03c4fa4bf8a360eed1032d6 (/dev/rdsk/c0t60000970000296800433533030334344d0s6) [OCRVD]
Located 3 voting disk(s).


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