We know that in the database each and every “Error “has its own reasons. Let’s have look on Error ORA-15073: Diskgroup Mounted By Another Instance. This article explains the cause and action for this error.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a diskgroup that is still
mounted somewhere in the cluster by another instance.
Action: dismount the diskgroup from all nodes except the one
performing the drop diskgroup command.
While dropping a diskgroup, an error may come like ORA-15073: diskgroup mounted by another instance.
SQL> drop diskgroup NSMREDOA including contents; drop diskgroup NSMREDOA including contents * ERROR at line 1: ORA-15039: diskgroup not dropped ORA-15073: diskgroup NSMREDOA is mounted by another ASM instance.
For rac with multiple node, you have to dismount the diskgroup on all the remote nodes.( excluding the local node)
Suppose for 2 node rac, i have logged to node 2 and dismounted the diskgroup and ran the drop command on node 1.
SQL> alter diskgroup NSMREDOA dismount; Diskgroup altered.
SQL> drop diskgroup NSMREDOA including contents; Diskgroup dropped.
NOTE: If you try to drop the diskgroup on the same node, where you have dismounted, then below error will come.
SQL> drop diskgroup NSMREDOA including contents;
drop diskgroup NSMREDOA including contents
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-15039: diskgroup not dropped
ORA-15001: diskgroup “NSMREDOA” does not exist or is not mounted
Thank you for giving your valuable time to read the above information.
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