Written by Oracle Certified Master Skant Gupta and Oracle Certified Professional Mohit Sharma are diligently planned to direct the readers about the usage of Oracle Autonomous Database. The primary target audience is Oracle DBAs and Oracle Cloud DBA’s. This book has been diligently planned for all levels of DBA experts. Coming right from the real-world […]
Articles Tagged: adwc

Terminating an Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) Instance
In this post, we are going to terminate the ATPdatabase on OCI. We assume that you must have OCI account with valid credentials and compartments. Terminating your ATP instance Go to the Cloud Console you used during the provisioning exercise and open the Instances screen. Click the Instance Name (NEWATP) Click Actions and Select “Terminate”. […]

Import Data Dump File into Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud (ADWC) Using Data Pump
In this post, you will learn how to import a dump file into the adwc_hr schema in the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud (ADWC) service instance using data pump (impdp). Login with ADWC instacne and invoke SQL*plus then create the user adwc_hr. C:\Users\skagupta>sqlplus admin@skantorcldb_high SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Feb 21 18:14:16 2019 Version […]

Upload Data Dump File to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Object Storage
In this post, you will learn how to upload the export dump file to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Object Storage and generate a Pre-Authenticated URL for the export dump file. We assume that you must have OCI account with valid credentials and compartments. Launch the web browser and Log into your assigned OCI account. Expand […]

Migrating On-Prem Database Schema to Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud (ADWC) Using Data Pump
In this post, you will learn how to export the HR Schema from On-Prem Oracle Database to ADWC instance using Data Pump Export (expdp). Log in to On-Prem Machine with oracle user and create a directory to place the dump files generated by using data pump. [oracle@oracle19c ~]$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl19c/dpdump/for_adwc On the On-Prem Machine, […]

Creating Object Store Credentials in Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP)
In this post, you use the ADMIN user schema. You store the Auth Token created in the previous post along with the username, as a credential under an ADMIN schema. Connect to ADMIN user using SQL Developer. Use the create_credential procedure of the DBMS_CLOUD package to store the object store credentials in your ADMIN schema. Set the […]

Stopping/Starting your Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud (ADWC) instance
In this post, we are going to stop & start the ADWC database on OCI. We assume that you must have OCI account with valid credentials and compartments. Stopping your ADWC instance Go to the Cloud Console you used during the provisioning exercise and open the Instances screen. Click the Instance Name (SKANTADWC). Click Stop. […]

Monitoring your ADWC instance
In this post, you will use the service console to monitor your ADWC instance. As ADWC only accepts secure connections to the database, you need to download a wallet file containing your credentials first. The wallet is downloaded from the ADWCservice console. On the Instances page, find your database and click “Service Console” in the actions […]

Loading a Data from csv into ADWC
In this post, you will load data from a csv file into ADWC. Note: we already have table.csv for our testing. Now, we open the SQL Developer and connect with NEWADW connection which is already save in SQL Developer. SQL Developer ADWC Right-click “Tables,” and then click “Import Data.” Click “Browse” and locate the channels.csv […]

Creating an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Object Storage Bucket
In this post, you will create a storage bucket using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Object Storage. We assume that you must have OCI account with valid credentials and compartments. Launch the web browser and Log into your assigned OCI account. Expand the Hamburger menu and select “Object Storage” or alternatively, click on “Object Storage” on […]