Let’s have look on the steps are used by Oracle DBA for “Recreate Database Using Only Datafile and Logfile”. Backup of the control file in trace SQL> ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO TRACE; create password file and service D:\> orapwd file=D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\database\PWDdba71.ora password=sys entries=10 D:\> oradim -new -sid dba71 -intpwd sys -maxusers 10 -startmode auto -pfile […]
Articles Tagged: Database
Hot Backup with RMAN in Oracle
We are going to have look on the backup of Oracle, Which is common in DBA’s life. HOT Backup is the most common way to have a backup. Let’s have look on the steps of Oracle’s HOT Backup. Check the archive status SQL> archive log list; Database log mode Archive Mode Automatic archival Enabled Archive destination […]
Catalog Database in RMAN
Purpose of Catalog Database A base recovery catalog is a database schema that contains RMAN metadata for a set of target databases. A virtual private catalog is a set of synonyms and views that enable user access to a subset of a base recovery catalog. Catalog Database can be two types Base recovery catalog Virtual […]
Manually Create and configure CDB database and PDB database
In the previous article, we can see that the architecture of multitenant. In this post, we will configure manually CDB and PDB. Introduction of Multitenant Architecture Step 1: create initmycdb.ora [oracle@localhost ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs [oracle@localhost dbs]$ cat initmycdb.ora db_name=mycdb CONTROL_FILES=’/u02/oradata/mycdb/control01.ctl’,’/u02/oradata/mycdb/control02.ctl’ ENABLE_PLUGGABLE_DATABASE=TRUE DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST=’/u02/oradata/’ DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_1=’/u02/oradata/’ DB_BLOCK_SIZE=8192 UNDO_MANAGEMENT=AUTO UNDO_TABLESPACE=undotbs USER_DUMP_DEST=’/u01/oracle/admin/mycdb/adump/’ Step 2: Create necessary directories. [oracle@localhost dbs]$ mkdir […]
ORA-12162: TNS:net service name is incorrectly specified
Let’s have look on some listener issues in the database. Cause: The connect descriptor corresponding to the net service name in TNSNAMES.ORA or in the directory server (Oracle Internet Directory) is incorrectly specified. Action: If using local naming make sure there are no syntax errors in the corresponding connect descriptor in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. If […]
How to Stop MVIEW from auto refresh
As we are well known that whole technology is getting change towards advancement. All things are working on automatic. Even software works on autonomous. In RDBMS we have a feature to stop automatic refresh MView. Let’s have look how do we stop automatic refresh MView Connect as mview owner. select * from user_jobs where broken =’N’; […]
Securing Your Logical Standby Database
The logical standby database is in Read-Write mode means a fully updatable mode. A database can be accessed and potential data may be changed. So Oracle data guard provides a lock. We can configure GUARD on the database at a different level according to our requirement. Logical Standby Database Creation A user access can be […]
Converting a Snapshot Standby Database to a Physical Standby Database
In the previous post, we convert Physical Standby to Snapshot Standby . In this post, we can convert Snapshot Standby to Physical Standby. Prerequisites : Snapshot database is already exists Primary Database Snapshot Standby database mgr mgr Step 1 : Check Primary Database Information : SQL> select name,open_mode,database_role from v$database; NAME OPEN_MODE DATABASE_ROLE ——— ——————– […]
Managing Role in Oracle
Today we are going to have look at Role in Oracle database. It is the most important part of Oracle database. User Privileges and Roles is the most common task that is performed by Oracle DBA. With roles and privileges, we can easily point out which user has what responsibilities in databases. Let’s […]
Flashback in Oracle
We are going to have look at another part of the Oracle database. Flashback is going to be the topic of our discussion of today. Let’s start with its introduction after that with its example. Being DBA we have to make us familiar with Flashback technology. It is considered as a good feature of Oracle Database. What is […]