In this article, we will see the creation of DataGuard with 2 node RAC Primary Database and 2 node RAC Standby database. Primary Database Standby Database Primary Instance Standby Instance RACDB DGRACDB RAC1 DGRAC RAC2 DGRAC1 What I have already done 1. My production database is up and running with 2 node RAC Oracle Version […]
Articles Tagged: DATAGUARD
Recover Datafile in Standby Database in Data Guard Environment
In the previous article, we have to seen Recovering Primary Database Datafile using Standby Database if it’s not deleted from Standby Database. Recover Data File in Primary Database in Data Guard Environment Here we will see what if datafile gets corrupted or deleted from Standby Database. Step 1: In the below code, we can see […]
Managing Client Connectivity using DBMS_SERVICE package and After Startup Trigger
In the previous Article, we have seen understanding and managing user connectivity in Data Guard Environment. Understanding and managing client connectivity In this Article, we will see Creating After Startup Trigger which will manage service for different database roles. Step 1: Create services in a Primary database with DBMS_SERVICE package. Note: We need to […]
Understanding and managing client connectivity
While managing Data Guard Standby databases in our environment one of the key responsibility of DBA is End-user connectivity to a proper database or we can say clients connect to the correct database even in case of failover. To know Oracle DataGuard Oracle Dataguard Architecture Your client connectivity should be managed in such a […]
Recover Data File in Primary Database in Data Guard Environment
Recovering Data File in Primary Database from the standby database. You have two approaches for data file restoration when your data file gets corrupted or deleted in data guard environment. Restore from RMAN backup Recover it from Standby Database. In our routine, we use the first approach where we simply restore it using RMAN restore command […]
DGMGRL error ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
A common error we face while doing switchover operation using DGMGRL. DGMGRL> switchover to std_testdb; Performing switchover NOW, please wait… Operation requires a connection to instance “testdb” on database “std_testdb” Connecting to instance “testdb”… Connected. New primary database “std_testdb” is opening… Operation requires startup of instance “testdb” on database “testdb” Starting instance “testdb”… Unable to […]
Creating Fast Incremental Backup
Creating Fast Incremental Backups : We have seen how block change tracking is enabled. Enable block change tracking on the physical standby database The motive of Incremental backup is to backup only those blocks which are changed since the last zero or level 1 incremental backup. Block change tracking provides a boost to this. If […]
Disabling FAST_START Failover
To know about Fast Start Failover in Data Guard To disable Fast_Start failover apply following command : DGMGRL> DISABLE FAST_START FAILOVER; When we perform above command Fast_Start failover is first disabled on target standby database with data guard broker then it is disabled from the primary database. Then these changes are propagated to all standby database […]
DG BROKER Activities Part – II
We have seen SWITCHOVER, FAILOVER and REINSTATE database in the previous article. DG Broker Activities Part – I In this article, we will see changing protection modes with DGMGRL and disabling and removing the configuration. Change protection modes Step 1: Change LOGXPTMODE to suitable option as per Protection mode. DGMGRL> edit database testdb set property […]
Benefits and Restrictions of RMAN in DataGuard
As we use RMAN to backup and restore the database in Simple scenarios. We can use it in Data Guard Environment same way. Oracle Dataguard Even we can use Physical Standby database backup to restore the Primary database and to recover the Primary database. But with some consideration as follow : The recovery catalog is […]