Introduction Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) is a well-known product among Oracle’s solutions to maintain high availability of your business data. Oracle RAC allows the work load to be shared among all the cluster nodes, with N-1 tolerance configuration in case of node failures, where N is the total number of nodes. Oracle RAC is […]
Articles Tagged: FLEX ASM
Converting Standard to Flex ASM
Today we are going to have a look on converting a standard cluster to flex cluster. I wish this information is useful for you.Oracle Flex Clusters contribute a platform for Oracle Real Application Clusters databases with stupendous numbers of nodes, to support massive parallel query operations. Oracle Flex Clusters also provide a platform for other […]
File Group in a Flex Disk Group
I must thank my fellow DBA Franky Weber Faust for his publication in his blog. In the goal here is to know a bit more about the Flex Disk Group. Let’s see here what a File Group is. In a Flex Disk Group we can separate our databases, be they PDBs, CDBs or non-CDBs, in different File Group. Each […]
Storing a PDB in a Flex Disk Group
I must thank my fellow DBA Franky Weber Faust for his publication in his blog. In this post I board a little more about the Flex Disk Group. In the previous post we had started this subject, if you did not see check there The purpose here is to show how to store a PDB in a Flex Disk Group. In […]
Query shows clients connected to all the Flex ASM instances
col client_instance_name format a21 col host_name format a9 col status format a9 select distinct i.host_name, i.instance_name asm_instance_name, c.instance_name client_instance_name, c.db_name, c.status from gv$instance i, gv$asm_client c where i.inst_id=c.inst_id;