We can use Oracle Golden Gate encryption at 3 levels. Message File Database Password Message The transmission over TCP/IP network is encrypted. Data is automatically decrypted by server process before saving the data to trail files at replicat server. AES128, AES192,AES256 is used for encryption and decryption. Step 1: Generate a key using keygen utility […]
Articles Tagged: Goldengate
./ggsci: error while loading shared libraries: libnnz12.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[oracle@localhost ggate]$ ./ggsci./ggsci: error while loading shared libraries: libnnz12.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [oracle@localhost ggate]$ echo $ORACLE_HOME /u01/oracle/product/12.2.0/db_1 [oracle@localhost ggate]$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/lib:/usr/lib [oracle@localhost ggate]$ ./ggsci Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle Version OGGCORE_12. Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 12c on Apr 16 2018 00:53:30 Operating system character set […]
Oracle Golden Gate Microservice Architecture Installation
In Previous article we have seen detail of components of Oracle Golden Gate Microservice Architecture. Oracle Golden Gate Microservice Architecture Components In this article we will see installation of Oracle Golden Gate Microservice and create one deployment using oggca. You can download Oracle Golden Gate Microservices for oracle from https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/goldengate/downloads/index.html After downloading upload setup on your […]
Oracle Golden Gate Microservice Architecture Components
Till date we have seen all articles on Golden Gate with classic architecture and worked on golden gate software command line interface[ggsci] prompt. With Oracle Golden Gate 12C release 2 [12.3] a new architecture came into picture that is Oracle Golden Gate Microservice Architecture. Image Source Let us see each component in detail : Service […]
Oracle 12c and its new things
I wrote many posts about all new features of Oracle 12c , how multi-tenant architecture works and all. In this post, we will see how oracle’s internal mechanisms have changed with multi-tenant architecture for its existing technologies. Let us start with Oracle Xstream : In Oracle Xtream, capturing changes from the database must always be […]
Configuring Change Delivery
In previous articles, we have seen the configuration of change capture. Oracle Golden Gate architecture is mainly a collection of two main process Extract and Replicat. Extract process runs as source side from which you want to capture data and Replicat process runs at Destination side where you want run replication process. Each trail file […]
Data Selection and Filtering in Oracle Golden Gate
Oracle Golden Gate provides a variety of levels and conditions for selection and filtering data. Let’s start with the selection of table : We can map table1 with table2 so operation is done on table1 will be replicated on table2. map hr.table1 , target hr.table2; Data Selection with WHERE clause : Where () clause is […]
Configuring and Using String Substitution in DDL and DDL Error Handling
In the previous article, we have seen the configuration of DDL replication Configuring and Using Options for DDL Replication Today we will see Configuration of String Substitution in DDL replication. We can substitute strings within a DDL operation while it is being processed by Oracle Golden Gate. This feature provides convenience for changing and mapping […]
DDL Replication in Golden Gate
Till today, you have seen my all articles that show DML replication Golden Gate. I, U, D [Insert update and delete] three main operations which are replicated in Golden Gate. But, Golden Gate supports DDL replication too. It supports DDL synchronization from one database to another. Let us first see requirement and restrictions of DDL […]
Column Mapping and Transformation in Oracle Golden Gate
In general, any replication tool replicates data in similar objects. We need an identical copy of the source and target if we want to do replication. Column Mapping Oracle Golden Gate is a strong tool which provides the capability to map columns between two dissimilarly structured database table. This feature can be implemented in Golden Gate […]