In previous articles, we have seen various methods of converting Non-RAC database to RAC database. In this article, we will convert non-RAC database to RAC database using RMAN backup-restore utility. Single Instance DB Name RAC DB name RAC Instance Node RAC Instance Name RAC Node Name MGR MGR Node 1 db1 RAC1 Node 2 db2 […]
Articles Tagged: non rac
Convert Single Instance Database to Oracle RAC using dbca
In this article, we will see the conversion of the non-RAC database to RAC database using DBCA. Single Instance DB Name RAC DB name RAC Instance Node RAC Instance Name RAC Node Name dbtest testrac Node 1 testrac1 RAC1 Node 2 testrac2 RAC2 Part 1: Create a template from existing database. Step 1: Run DBCA […]
Converting RAC DB to Non-RAC on Normal File System
To convert RAC to Non-RAC DB on normal file system we need to first convert it into ASM storage Converting RAC db to Non-RAC db In this article we will see conversion database from ASM to Normal File System : Step 1 : Check details of ASM database and create pfile from spfile : [oracle@rac1 […]
Converting RAC db to Non-RAC db
In previous Articles we have seen conversion from Single Instance DB to RAC db using various methods.In this Article we will see conversion of RAC to Normal DB[Single Instance]. Prerequisites : RAC Instance Node RAC Node Name RAC DB Name RAC Instance Name Single Instance DB name Node 1 RAC1 test db1 test Node 2 […]
Convert Single Instance Database to Oracle RAC
In this post, we can perform Convert Single Instance Database to Oracle RAC in Oracle 11gR2. Prerequisites: we already have single instance ASM database up and running. we have already have second node with ASM running. If you want to how to convert non asm database to asm database with duplicate command: Click Here RAC […]