LOCAL = NO: non-local connection, namely a network connection. Listener connect to the server. Client application through the client listener listener sends a request to the server, the server listens received in connection with the database, perform related operations, the results returned to the client. This is the process by listening. So you need to […]
Articles Tagged: Oracle
check os process id of your session from sql prompt.
Check os process id of your session from sql prompt. select p.spid, s.username, s.status, s.server, to_char(s.logon_time,’DD-MON-YY HH24:MI’) from v$process p, v$session s where p.addr = s.paddr and s.status=’ACTIVE’; SPID USERNAME STATUS SERVER ———————— —————————— ——– ——— TO_CHAR(S.LOGON_TIME,’DD-MON-YYHH24:MI’) ————————————————————————— 18658 TEST1 ACTIVE DEDICATED 08-JAN-18 15:07 18664 TEST1 ACTIVE DEDICATED 08-JAN-18 15:07 23691 TEST1 ACTIVE DEDICATED 08-JAN-18 […]
Oracle Database Gateway for Microsoft SQL Server
The gateway system identifier (SID) is an alphanumeric character string that identifies a gateway instance. You need one gateway instance, and therefore one gateway SID, for each SQL Server database you are accessing. The SID is used as part of the file name for the initialization parameter file. The default SID is dg4msql. You can […]
Oracle RAC 12c Setup Using Virtual Box
In this article, I have described each and every step required for setting up a 2 node RAC12c database using virtual box for testing purpose. Softwares Required: 1. Virtual box : 2. Linux 3. Oracle 12c home: 4. Oracle 12c Grid: Virtual Machine setup: Here we have to set up 2 nodes inside virtual box. […]
How To Find DBID in NOMOUNT State
Oracle Database identifier in short DBID is an internal, unique identifier for an Oracle database. Database administrator must note down the DBID in safe place, so that any miss-happening to the database could be easily identified and recovered. In case it is required to recover SPFILE or control file from autobackup, such as disaster recovery, […]
Shows differences in table structures
select a.column_name, a.data_type, a.data_length, a.data_scale,a.data_precision, b.column_name, b.data_type, b.data_length, b.data_scale,b.data_precision from user_tab_columns a, user_tab_columns b where a.table_name = upper(‘&table1’) and b.table_name = upper(‘&table2’) and a.column_name = b.column_name and ( a.data_type b.data_type or a.data_length b.data_length or a.data_scale b.data_scale or a.data_precision b.data_precision );