MongoDB Provide two types of software. Community Edition : Its For freeware no mongo support available on this. Enterprise Edition : Its License Based. For More Detail about Installation and Packages and Environment Support : Click Here For any query regarding MongoDB installation/Upgrade feel free contact to Oracle-Help Team.
Category: MongoDB
Advantage of mongodb as compare to SQL database
The MongoDB data bases on the JSON (Java Script Object Notation) format. JSON allows for the transfer of data between web applications and servers using a human readable format. Before JSON, XML was used for this. JSON is defined in MongoDB’s BSON (Binary JSON). The binary format of BSON provides reliability and greater efficiency when […]
Overview of MongoDB Collection and Documnets
MongoDB works on concept of collection and document. RDBMS MongoDB Database Database Table Collection Tuple/Row Document column Field Table Join Embedded Documents Primary Key Primary Key (Default key _id provided by mongodb itself) Database Server and Client Mysqld/Oracle mongod mysql/sqlplus mongo
What is MongoDB ?
MongoDB is open source database system. It’s a document database with the scalability and flexibility that you want with the querying and indexing that you need. Its support to Dyanmic schema, using a map-reduce, GeoSpatial support the main feature. MongoDB stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents, meaning fields can vary from document to document and […]