In the previous post, we learned the installation of Vagrant and provisioning the Oracle 18c Database in Vagrant VM. Oracle Database 18c installation with Vagrant Now, in this post, we will show how to access Oracle 18c Database in Vagrant VM. First of all, we can check the status of VM. D:\shared\vagrant-boxes-master\vagrant-boxes-master\OracleDatabase\18.3.0>vagrant global-status id name […]
Monthly Archives: July 2018
Oracle Database 18c installation with Vagrant
A vagrant is a tool for building and managing virtual machine environments in a single workflow. With an easy-to-use workflow and focus on automation, Vagrant lowers development environment setup time, increases production parity, and makes the “works on my machine” excuse a relic of the past. It provides easy to configure, reproducible, and portable work […]
MongoDB Profiler
Profiler collects fine grained data about MongoDB write operations, cursors, database commands on a running mongod instance. You can enable profiling on a per-database or per-instance basis. The profiler is off by default. Profiler writes all the data it collects to the system.profile collection, which is a capped collection. *.Profiling Levels 0 – the profiler […]
MongoDB Statistics
If you want to objects statistics like (No. of object, collections, datasize etc. Available) follow below the commands. use database db.stats(); <—————- Get the database level statistics; <—————- Get the collection level statistics db.runCommand( { collStats […]
MongoDB Clone Collection
Mongos does not support db.cloneCollection(). 1st Method db.cloneCollection(from, collection, query); db.cloneCollection(‘’, ‘profiles’,{ ‘active’ : true } ) 2nd Method depricated since 3.0 version db.collection.copyTo(“new collection name”); # But its depricated in 3.4 but it works. 3st Method With Mongodump mongodump –db db-name –collection collection-name –archive=collection-name.archive For more detail about Clone Collection: Click Here
MongoDB Host and Port
Get the detail of mongodb Host and mongodb runing on which port fo you get all these type of info from mongo shell. getHostName(); # Hostname info db.serverCmdLineOpts(); # Port info db.serverCmdLineOpts() db.runCommand({whatsmyuri : 1}) # Its is showing both Hostname and Port
MongoDB Rename Collection
Yes you can rename the collection if required but it is not supported on sharded collections. db.collection.renameCollection() db.collection.renameCollection(); db.test_my.renamecollection(“test”); use admin db.adminCommand( { renameCollection: “mydb.test_my”, to: “mydb.test” } )
MongoDB User Creation Details
Good Morning All, Now today give you a small demo for creating user, gives permission and getting user info. # Create user Syntax: db.createuser( {user : “mylogin” , pwd : “mylogin”, roles : [] }); db.createuser( {user : “mylogin” , pwd : “mylogin”, roles : [{role : “userAdminAnyDatabase”, db : “admin”}]}); <—– Full […]
Finally, the wait is over!! Now Oracle 18c is Available for on-Premise
Oracle Database 18c was released for on-premise as well. Oracle Database 18c, the latest generation of the world’s most popular database, is now available in Oracle Cloud and on Oracle Exadata. It provides businesses of all sizes with access to the world’s fastest, most scalable and reliable database technology for secure and cost-effective deployment of […]
MongoDB GridFS
GridFS is a versatile storage system that is suited to handling large files, such as those exceeding the 16 MB document size limit. For more details about GridFs : Click Here