After the core DBA, continue our journey towards RAC environment. Today we are going to explore the steps use for “How to disable and enable archive log in oracle RAC“ Let’s follow the steps. Hopefully, you will feel the difference in RAC. Step1: First we need to stop database instance on node1 using sqlplus. [oracle@rac-node1 […]
Category: ORACLE RAC
Oracleasm configure fails with selinux enable
Let’s fix up “Oracleasm configure fails with SELinux enable” with the help of the following help. [root@ oracledb1~]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm configure Configuring the Oracle ASM library driver. This will configure the on-boot properties of the Oracle ASM library driver. The following questions will determine whether the driver is loaded on boot and what permissions it will have. […]
Highly Available VIP (HAVIP)
Highly Available IP (HAIP) comes from on-words and maximum 4 define for Private network Now in 12c version introduces Highly Available VIP (HAVIP) a Clusterware-monitored VIP that can be used for non-Database applications. Typically, VIPs are created for VIP or SCAN listeners for Database connections. In some cases, the need arises to create a […]
Recovering OCR using physical backup
Step 1: Identify OCR physical backup using the following command [root@rac1 ~]# ocrconfig -showbackup rac2 2018/04/03 16:57:56 /u01/app/12.1.0/grid/cdata/rac-scan/backup00.ocr 0 rac1 2018/04/01 17:34:19 /u01/app/12.1.0/grid/cdata/rac-scan/backup01.ocr 0 rac1 2018/03/31 13:57:45 /u01/app/12.1.0/grid/cdata/rac-scan/backup02.ocr 0 rac2 2018/04/03 16:57:56 /u01/app/12.1.0/grid/cdata/rac-scan/day.ocr 0 rac1 2018/03/30 14:55:33 /u01/app/12.1.0/grid/cdata/rac-scan/week.ocr 0 Step 2: ocrdump [root@rac1 ~]# ocrdump -backupfile /u01/app/12.1.0/grid/cdata/rac-scan/backup00.ocr Step 3: Bring down all instance and database […]
Evaluation and Prediction in Oracle RAC 12c
In a DBA’s routine, we perform thousands of command every day. Sometimes it also happens we don’t know the post-impact of the command. Then, Oracle 12c Comes up with very powerful feature WHAT IF EVALUATION. It shows us the impact of command without actually performing it. So with help of this our life can become […]
Manually Converting Non-RAC DB to RAC DB
In previous articles, we have seen various methods of converting Non-RAC database to RAC database. In this article, we will convert non-RAC database to RAC database using RMAN backup-restore utility. Single Instance DB Name RAC DB name RAC Instance Node RAC Instance Name RAC Node Name MGR MGR Node 1 db1 RAC1 Node 2 db2 […]
Server Pools in Oracle RAC
Before Release of Oracle Clusterware 11g release 2, we define a specific instance belong to specific node.a DBA manages each instance of the database by defining specific instances to run on specific nodes in the cluster. And it is pretty well with small no of nodes in your RAC database. But when no of nodes […]
Plug Single Instance PDB to RAC CDB
In this article we will Plug Single Instance PDB to RAC CDB. Single Instance CDB Name Single Instance PDB Name RAC Instance CDB RAC Instance Name RAC Node globdb pdb1 CDB1 RAC1 Node1 RAC2 Node2 Step 1 : Check status of Globdb and CDB1 [oracle@rac2 ~]$ srvctl status database -d globdb Instance globdb is running […]
ACFS file system Mount and Dismount Operation
Before we shut down ASM instance it is important to dismount acfs file system , Once it is dismounted all open references to Oracle ASM files are removed . If ACFS file system is active and ASM instance is forcibly shut down , acfs file system will be placed in offline error state.If any file […]
Creating ADVM volume and ACFS File System
To see overview of ACFS file System , Oracle ASM Cluster File System Step 1 : Basic thing to use ACFS file system is compatible.rdbms, compatible.advm parameter should be set to 11.2 or higher. [oracle@rac1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysasm SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Mar 21 23:22:52 2018 Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle. […]