Sometimes we face issues like OEM agent 12c crashed and found the below error messages on gcagent.log[/agent_inst/sysman/log/gcagent.log]. Cause: When an OEM agent collects metrics data, it uses java memory. If it does not have access to the required amount of java memory which is specified in the configuration, the OEM agent may crash. Solution: 1- […]
All posts by Shesadev Biswal
Difference Between Local Listener and Remote Listener
LOCAL_LISTENER is a listener that is running on the same machine as this instance. REMOTE_LISTENER is a listener that is not running on the same machine as this instance. Local Listener and Remote Listener concept comes with ORACLE RAC where a single database has multiple instances. Consider an example of 2 Node RAC Database which […]
How Delete Statement Works
When Oracle receives sql/Delete query, it requires to run some pre-tasks before actually being able to really run the query. During parsing, Database validate the syntax of the statement whether the query is valid or not. Database validate the semantic of the statement. It checks whether a statement is meaningful or not. If syntax/Semantic check […]
How Update Statement Works
When Oracle receives sql/update query, it requires to run some pre-tasks before actually being able to really run the query. During parsing, Database validate the syntax of the statement whether the query is valid or not. Database validate the semantic of the statement. It checks whether a statement is meaningful or not. If syntax/Semantic check […]
How Insert Statement Works
When Oracle receives sql/insert query, it requires to run some pre-tasks before actually being able to really run the query. During parsing, Database validate the syntax of the statement whether the query is valid or not. Database validate the semantic of the statement. It checks whether a statement is meaningful or not. […]
Steps to recover the standby database’s datafile using a backup of the primary database’s data file
Recently we have faced an issue for one of our data guard environment, we will discuss those steps here which we followed to fix this issue. For our Physical standby database, one of the filesystems (/u01/data/) got corrupted, due to which when we added datafiles in primary, the changes not applied on the standby and […]
How Select Statement Works
When Oracle receives a sql query, it requires to run some pre-tasks before actually being able to really run the query. Combination of these tasks is called parsing. During parsing the below operations used to perform. Database validate the syntax of the statement whether the query is valid or not.For example, the following statement fails […]
Oracle 19C Active Data Guard DML Redirection Feature
This article describes about the Oracle 19C new feature – Active Data Guard DML Redirection. ACTIVE DATA GUARD DML REDIRECT feature enables DML operation on the standby database to be redirected to and run on the primary database instead of failing, where the data changes will be applied. The updated data will then be streamed […]
Steps to Create,Drop and Flashback Guaranteed restore point in Dataguard
CREATE GUARANTEED RESTORE POINT: Stop redo transport and redo apply a)If broker is not configured: On primary database: SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_state_2=’defer’; On standby database: SQL> alter database recover managed standby database cancel; b)If broker is in place: DGMGRL> edit database db set state = ‘TRANSPORT-OFF’; DGMGRL> edit database db01 set state = ‘APPLY-OFF’; […]
Steps to recover WebLogic Credential [OEM 12cR5]
In this post we will discuss the steps to decrypt WebLogic credential from Boot Properties. During OEM upgrade process when WebLogic password is required, if you have forget the password you can decrypt the WebLogic credential using below steps. 1.Go to your domain/bin directory where file present. oracle=>cd /u01/app/app00/cloudc/gc_inst/user_projects/domains/GCDomain/bin oracle=>ls -ltr total 60 drwxr-x—. […]