Converting Standard to Flex ASM

Today we are going to have a look on converting a standard cluster to flex cluster. I wish this information is useful for you.Oracle Flex Clusters contribute a platform for Oracle Real Application Clusters databases with stupendous numbers of nodes, to support massive parallel query operations. Oracle Flex Clusters also provide a platform for other […]

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RU and RUR patches for Oracle 12.2

The first RU (Release Update) for Oracle Database has been released. And Oracle Support provides some very helpful documents to explain the implication of the new RU (Release Update) and RUR (Release Update Revision) patches. As of July 2017, Oracle is modifying the Proactive Patch program for Database and Grid Infrastructure release 12.2 and […]

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Row limiting clause in oracle 12c

Row limiting clause clause allows sql queries to limit the number of rows returned and to specify a starting row for the return set. 1. Fetch first N rows: SQL> select * from test2 fetch first 5 rows only; OWNER OBJECT_NAME STATUS ——– ——————— ——- SYS I_CCOL1 VALID SYS I_PROXY_ROLE_DATA$_1 VALID SYS C_OBJ# VALID SYS […]

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PDB Lockdown Profiles in Oracle 12.2

Use the ALTER LOCKDOWN PROFILE statement to alter a PDB lockdown profile. You can use PDB lockdown profiles in a multitenant environment to restrict user operations in pluggable databases (PDBs). Pluggable databases bring a new separation of database administrator roles. The DBA administers the container database, the CDB, but can then delegate the administration of […]

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Convert non partitioned table to partitioned online Oracle 12.2

This is one of the new feature of oracle 12.2 release . Non-partitioned tables can be converted to partitioned table online without any downtime to the application , i.e no impact to the DML activities. Till now for this activity, we were using dbms_redef methods. But in Oracle 12.2 release this has been simplified much. […]

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Datapump New features in Oracle 12.2

A lot of enhancements has been done in Oracle 12.2 Release.  In this article We will explain the new features of datapump utility in oracle 12.2 Release. 1.Parfile content  written to logfile: Till now, log file of expdp or impdp, doesn’t store the content of parfile, The log file used to look as below. Export: Release […]

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Lock account automatically with INACTIVE_ACCOUNT_TIME

In Oracle 12.2 Release We can use the INACTIVE_ACCOUNT_TIME resource parameter in profile to automatically lock the account of a database user who has not logged in to the database instance in a specified number of days. 1. By default, it is set to UNLIMITED. 2. The minimum setting is 15 and the maximum is […]

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Move table online in Oracle 12.2

In previous Releases, To move a table to a different tablespace or segment, we need to take downtime for this activity And after moving the table, we have to rebuild/recreate the indexes. Now with Oracle 12.2, We can move the table online to a different segment or tablespace, without impacting the DML activities and without […]

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DBMS_TNS package for tnsping in database Oracle 12.2

DBMS_TNS package provides the RESOLVE_TNSNAME function to resolve a TNS name and return the corresponding Oracle Net8 connection string.When you connect locally to the server (no SQL*Net, no listener), the Oracle session inherits the client environment.   It is available on oracle 12.2 Release . The DBMS_TNS package contains one function, RESOLVE_TNSNAME, which returns the […]

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Read only Partition in Oracle 12.2

Till now we can make a table read only, But what about setting few partitions of a table to read-only. Thanks to Oracle 12.2 Release, We can do this. This is usually helpful, If requirement is to make the historical data not editable. SQL> col PARTITION_NAME for a32 SQL> select partition_name,read_only from dba_tab_partitions where table_name=’ORDER_TAB’; […]

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