In the previous article, we can see that the architecture of multitenant. In this post, we will configure manually CDB and PDB. Introduction of Multitenant Architecture Step 1: create initmycdb.ora [oracle@localhost ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs [oracle@localhost dbs]$ cat initmycdb.ora db_name=mycdb CONTROL_FILES=’/u02/oradata/mycdb/control01.ctl’,’/u02/oradata/mycdb/control02.ctl’ ENABLE_PLUGGABLE_DATABASE=TRUE DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST=’/u02/oradata/’ DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_1=’/u02/oradata/’ DB_BLOCK_SIZE=8192 UNDO_MANAGEMENT=AUTO UNDO_TABLESPACE=undotbs USER_DUMP_DEST=’/u01/oracle/admin/mycdb/adump/’ Step 2: Create necessary directories. [oracle@localhost dbs]$ mkdir […]
Articles Tagged: Manually
Manually Converting Non-RAC DB to RAC DB
In previous articles, we have seen various methods of converting Non-RAC database to RAC database. In this article, we will convert non-RAC database to RAC database using RMAN backup-restore utility. Single Instance DB Name RAC DB name RAC Instance Node RAC Instance Name RAC Node Name MGR MGR Node 1 db1 RAC1 Node 2 db2 […]