As we are working on the series of listener errors. Now we are going to work on “ORA-12514“. Let’a have look on the steps which we use to resolve this issue. Cause: “The listener received a request to establish a connection to a database or other service. The connect descriptor received by the listener specified a SID […]
Articles Tagged: ORA-12514
DGMGRL error ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
A common error we face while doing switchover operation using DGMGRL. DGMGRL> switchover to std_testdb; Performing switchover NOW, please wait… Operation requires a connection to instance “testdb” on database “std_testdb” Connecting to instance “testdb”… Connected. New primary database “std_testdb” is opening… Operation requires startup of instance “testdb” on database “testdb” Starting instance “testdb”… Unable to […]