Here , I will write about how to initial software setup MiniCluster S7-2. (short guide)

Pre-Installation Checklist

  • DNS server
  • NTP server
  • at least 12 ip addresses for initial setup.
  • Additional 7 ip addresses for 2 nodes RAC setup. (3 scan , 2 vm, 2 vip)
  • More IP addresses for additional virtual machines or more grid infrastructure.
  • Need to download and extract the MiniCluster component bundle.


username : mcinstall
password: welcome1

Network configuration using management console:

-> set /SP hostname=mc2-n1-ilom
-> set /SP/network pendingipdiscovery=static
-> set /SP/network pendingipaddress=ILOM_IP{1,2}
->set /SP/network pendingipgateway=GatewayIPaddress
-> set /SP/network pendingipnetmask=NETMASK

Checking network configuration:

-> show /SP/network -display properties

Save changes:

-> set /SP/network commitpending=true

After saving changes you can access to ilom via SSH.

Connect to ILOM_IP1 and start node01

# ssh root@ILOM-IPaddress
-> start /HOST/console

Above command will show you login promt and you can use mcinstall as username and welcome1 as password to login. After login you need to configure temporary IP for node01 with following command:

# installmc --init
# /var/opt/oracle.minicluster/bin/installmc --init

You will see screen as follows:

After you enter all the necessary information, after 15 or 20 seconds, an Input Summary screen
In the Do you want to change the inputs? line, type N if all the information is correct, or Y if
you need to redo any of the information that you entered.
This screen appears:
Initialization of Temporary IP Complete.
Please copy over omcips.txt,userinputs.txt to /var/opt/oracle.minicluster/store if you
have generated them using the offline tool.
Then, run installmc --deploy to continue with Firstnet setup

You need to copy omcips.txt,userinputs.txt files to mcinstall@node01:/var/opt/oracle.minicluster/store/ location which is created by configuration tool. Also you can continue without these files then you will be asked several questions for what those files would include.

The tool generates the userinputs.txt and omcips.txt files, which you need to complete the initial configuration procedure. The files are copied into the same directory where you ran the tool. Note this location for future use.

Management Network configuration tool

client network tab

preview configuration

save files.

Now you can run “mcinstall –deploy” command which has 10 command line steps. While it’s running step by step it will stop at step 5 with some network communication error. Because it tries to connect to node02 using hostname that is pointed to public IP which shall be configured in step 7. So I have updated its /etc/hosts file and put related hostname to private network IP address. You will know when you open /etc/hosts file. 🙂

Next step is to continue where we are stopped. So there are several helpful commands. Main command is MCMU.

# mcmu setupmc -s step-number
Ex: (in our case we need finish step 5)
# mcmu setupmc -s 5

Above command will finish step 5 successfully then we need to revert back the contents in file /etc/hosts

Now we should continue from step 6 to step 10. So we will use following command:

# mcmu setupmc -s 6-10

Also there is an undo command line. For example if we need to 1 step back then we will use following command:

# mcmu setupmc -u 5

It means you can back to step between 1 to 10.

After completing all 10 steps in command line it will run MCMU BUI and you can access to node01 via https://node01-IPAddress/MCMU in browser. Log in using mcinstall as username, welcome1 as password. After login you can create additional users. using MCMU CLI you can create or modify users too.

Now we have 9 more steps in MCMU BUI.

Before continue you need to download MiniCluster component bundles and copy files to mcinstall@node0{1,2}:/var/tmp/ location.

scp <path-on-local-host>/mc-*-sfw.tar.a* mcinstall@<ip-or-host-of-node>:/var/tmp/

So we need to extract the files.

# cd /var/tmp ## on both the nodes and extract the files using
# cat mc-*-sfw.tar.a? | gtar -x -C /var/opt/oracle.minicluster/ -f -

MCMU BUI runs on node01 . So use node01 to access to MCMU BUI via https://node01-IPAddress/MCMU or http://node01-IPAddress/MCMU

MC login first time

After login you need to update user information and change password then need to re-login. When you re-login you will continue installation step by step since step 10.

from step 11

All steps take several hours to finish.

After all step finishes then you are ready to use MiniCluster S7-2 . After creating database group profile you can create or manage single/RAC/RAC-One-Node instances from MCMU BUI.




  • Step 5 need to update /etc/hosts file and after it finishes successfully then revert the changes.
  • Instance creation or deletion takes about 60-70 minutes
  • total 19 steps run more than 8 hours.
  • do not manually update userinputs.txt, omcips.txt files.
  • use following commands to undo or begin from current step.
    • mcmu setupmc -s 5
    • mcmu setupmc -u 5
  • Use DNS server
  • Use NTP server
  • Try to use MCMU BUI to create or delete instances.

Thank you for giving your valuable time to read the above information.

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