This article was written by Skant Gupta and Joel Perez in Oracle OTN.

At the last part of this article we performed Switchover & Failover Operations on Oracle Data Guard using the dbaascli utility.

You can read it here:

Oracle Cloud (DBaaS): Using dbaascli Utility for Switchover & Failover Operations on Oracle Data Guard

Now in this this article we will show the necessary steps to Reinstate using the dbaascli Utility

After performing a failover to the standby database, you may be able to restore your original disaster-recovery solution by reinstating the failed primary database. You can use the Data Guard broker’s reinstate capability to make the failed primary database a viable standby database for the new primary.

Steps to Perform a Reinstating a Failed Primary Database using dbaascli utility

You can use the dataguard reinstate subcommand of the dbaascli utility to reinstate a failed primary database after a failover.

To determine whether the database can be reinstated, use the dataguard status subcommand as described in Checking the Status of the Oracle Data Guard Configuration.

A status of ORA-16661: the standby database needs to be reinstated indicates the standby database can be reinstated.

Let’s Assume we come from this state:

If you want to read rest to the article, go across this link : Using dbaascli Utility for Reinstating Operations on Oracle Data Guard

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