Being an Oracle DBA we have learned about the db instance in Oracle database. As we know db instance has shutdown mode. In this post, we are going to have look at Oracle ASM Instance. The ASM shutdown process is initiated when you run the SHUTDOWN command in SQL*Plus. While running this command we must ensure […]
Articles Tagged: ASM
ASM Dynamic Performance Views
We are going to have look at the ASM Dynamic Performance Views. In the database, we have learned about views. Here we are going to focus on ASM Dynamic Performance Views. As we know An ASM instance does not have a data dictionary. The information relating to its configuration and operation is available by querying a set of […]
How To Convert A Non ASM Instance To ASM Instance
Let’s have fun with instance today. Being an Oracle DBA we are well known for Instance. DBA’s life starts from Instance. In early days of DBA training, we introduced with Instance. When we enter to the new part of Oracle. we notice new teams. Now I am going to focus on ASM instance. Some starting lines remind the […]
How To Move Voting Disk To Another ASM Disk
This article explains the steps which we use to move VOTING DISK to another ASM DISK. In first few lines remind us about the definition of VOTING DISK and ASM DISK. After complete, we have mentioned the way to add a voting disk to another ASM. What is VOTING DISK? The Voting Disk File is a […]
Applying PSU Patch On 12c RAC In Solaris
Patching plays an important role in Oracle Database. In any level of DBA’s interview, they definitely as about Patching. This article explains about the types of patches and steps which use for Applying PSU Patch On 12c RAC In Solaris. Critical Patch Updates (CPU) was started in January 2005. Then Patch Set Updates (PSU) were […]
How To Rename ASM Diskgroup With RAC Database
Below are the steps for renaming an ASM diskgroup with database files present inside for a running database. EXAMPLE: In this article we will rename the diskgroup +DATATST to +NEWTST. The database present inside the diskgroup is TESTDB2 . 1. Check configuration of the database: srvctl config database -d TESTDB2 srvctl config database -d […]
Steps for Copy ASM File From One Server To Another Server
In the world of Technology, we all know COPY and PASTE how much helpful for making any business operations. But in the field of Database, it is not same as in another area. Some different steps we have to use. Let’s have look on those steps which we use for Copy ASM File From One Server To Another Server. Copying file between […]
Move Datafile From File System To ASM Disk In 11g
Today, we are going to learn about those steps which use to move Datafile from file system to ASM disk in Oracle 11g.Being an Oracle DBA we have deep knowledge of Datafiles. We know there importance of Datafiles in the database. Somes lines explain about the technical definition. A data file is a file that is […]
Steps for Install Grid Infrastructure 12c On Standalone Server
Today, we are going to have look on the steps which is used for Install Grid Infrastructure 12c On Standalone Server. Grid installation on the standalone database server is also known as Oracle Restart. This is required if you wish you use ASM file system with Oracle restart feature. Oracle Restart Means, During any accidental Hardware or software […]
Asmcmd New Features In Oracle 12c
Let’s have look on New Features in Oracle 12c of ASMCMD. Below are the new features of Oracle 12c version. 1. Connecting to ASM instance of remote node: Now we can connect to asmcmd prompt(asm instance) of remote node from local node. SYNTAX – asmcmd –inst < REMOTE ASM INSTANCE NAME> asmcmd –inst +ASM2 2.Move ASM password […]