Recovery Scenario of Database

Here we will simulate recovery scenario of database.First we will create crash situation and then we will try to recover from that. Check backup is available for your database Now connect your pluggable database Create one tablespace in pluggable database . Create one user and grant quota on this tablespace to that user. Now lets […]

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Creating a Backup Schedule

Being a DBA it is your key responsibility to set a proper backup strategy. Today we will see how we can schedule backup : Step 1 : Create script to take backup , Here I have created linux shell script Check above backup script , I have used quite a few RMAN parameters to make […]

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Set TIME and DATE Format in RMAN

To simulate , I took fresh RMAN backup using following command. Step 2 : Check backup using list backup command . Let’s add some parameter to set time format in RMAN. Add following parameter in your .bash_profile which resides in home directory of oracle user. Now , run .bash_profile file to give effect Now , […]

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Restore Encrypted Backup

Here we will see how we can password based encrypted backup. I am taking a fresh backup using password based encryption. To know more about password based encryption of RMAN go through following article Step 1 : Take encrypted backup using following command in RMAN Note : I gave “orarmanbkp” password for encryption. Check […]

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Recover Password File

Password file in the Oracle database is must to login remotely for sysdba privileges. Oracle creates password file automatically while creating database using DBCA by asking us what password to set for sys and system users. Here we will see how we can recover from the situation when we lost our password file. It can […]

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Use of Basic RMAN commands

RMAN : RMAN is an Oracle Database client and every DBA’s favorite tool for backup and recovery of the database. We have many RMAN related posts which can help you in all scenarios . However, today we will see a basic RMAN commands that will show what RMAN offers you. This post is mainly for […]

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Password Based Encryption in RMAN Backup

In this article we will see password based encryption. Step 1 : Connect to RMAN Step 2 : Set encryption algorithm Step 3 : Here I am taking backup of one tablespace in ORCLPDB pluggable database We can see an error is thrown here , unable to encrypt backup , wallet is not open Explanation […]

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Restore spfile

In this post, we will see how to restore spfile ORA-01078 is a common error we are facing when we have lost our parameter file. In above case we need to restore spfile from backup When rman does not find any parameter file , it will use default parameter and open database in nomount mode […]

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Recovering database from loss of datafile in NOARCHIVELOG MODE

We have seen an ERROR in the opening database. let’s recover it. Step 1: Connect to the database and start the database using STARTUP command [oracle@dbatesting orclpdb]$ echo $ORACLE_SID orcl [oracle@dbatesting orclpdb]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Dec 26 17:40:07 2018 Copyright (c) 1982, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected […]

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Creating backup using recovery catalog

In the previous article, we have created a recovery catalogue database and registered database. Creation of Recovery Catalog and Registering Database In this article, we will take incremental backup using a recovery catalog. Step 1: Connect rman with target and catalog clause Target: Database for which you want to create a backup Catalog: Catalog database […]

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