Today we are going to explore the steps to use for configure Shared server mode. Let’s follow the steps. We need to set the init parameters
SQL>alter system set shared_servers=5; SQL>alter system set max_dispatchers=10 scope=spfile;; SQL>alter system set shared_server_sessions=5 scope=spfile;; SQL>alter system set circuits=300 scope=spfile;; SQL>alter system set dispatchers="(protocol=TCP)(dispatchers=3)(connections=100)" scope=spfile;
Now client tnsfile should be like
sales= (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=sales-server)(PORT=1521)) (CONNECT_DATA= ( (SERVER=shared)))
Bounce the Database To confirm shared server connection use below SQL query
SELECT name, status, messages,idle,busy,bytes,breakes from v$dispatcher; and select username, server from v$session;
Now we check shared server are idle or busy query using
select name, dispatchers, substr(service,1,20) service, idle, busy from v$dispatcher,v$dispatcher_config where v$dispatcher.conf_indx = v$dispatcher_config.conf_indx ;
Today’s thought
Happiness is the highest form of health — Dalai Lama
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