We are going to have a session on recovery about corrupted/damaged/lost/canceled NONSYSTEM datafile (except system & sysaux). Before proceeding to be sure to have a complete backup of your test database and be sure your database is in ARCHIVELOG mode. [oracle@localhost orcl]$ ps -ef|grep smon oracle 7200 2820 0 06:57 pts/1 00:00:00 grep smon And […]
Articles Tagged: BACKUP
Backup a database in non-archivelog mode without recovery catalog
This article is about the backup of an Oracle database. As DBA we are well known about the types of backup. Mainly we have two kind of backups in Oracle database first one is physical and another one is logical. Each type of backups is important in Oracle database’s life maintenance. It depends on projects and client’s requirements that what kind of […]
Restore a NON-ARCHIVELOG database using a backup controlfile
Being a DBA we must have knowledge on all kind of situation come across database’s life maintenance. We all are aware that CDR (Controlfile, Datafile, Redologfile) plays a most important role in Oracle database. With the help of backup, we can restore the database . In this article, we are going to learn about the recovery from controlfile in noarchivelog mode. […]
Restore a NOARCHIVELOG database using current control file
We are going to have a look at recovery in Oracle database. it’s time to cause a fault in the database so we need to recover it. The scenario is the following: what does it happen and how can I recover a database in NOARCHIVELOG mode when a disk failure occurs and I lost my current […]
PDBs Backup (How to identify which PDBs a backup set belong to)
Introduction:- In this article, we are going to have look on PDBs backup. Normally we have learnt about a different kind of backup available in Oracle. In cloud computing, we have backups in PDBs. In RMAN we have a script to know about the backup history. Now we can get the information of PDB(backup). n large scale industries have […]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # RMAN backup history ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ set lines 150 set pages 900 col start for a20 col end for a20 col status format a11 col input_bytes_display format a10 col output_bytes_display format a10 col status_weight format 99999 SELECT to_char(start_time,’YYYY.MM.DD HH24:MI:SS’) “Start” , to_char(end_time,’YYYY.MM.DD HH24:MI:SS’) “End”, status, status_weight, input_type, input_bytes_display, output_bytes_display FROM V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS WHERE ( start_time between […]
Physical Backup
What is physical Backup? The operating system saves the database files onto tape or some other media. This is useful to restire the system to an earlier point whenever needed. In its simplest form, a physical backup is the movement of all data from one raw device to another; in the context of file system […]
In the 24/7 working environment, any organization requires database available all time. In business world, there are three type of users (Top Management(C.E.O, Board of Directors etc), Technical user(DBA, Developers etc.)/Non -Technical user(Hr , C.A, Market department etc.), End Users(Customers) )who interact with database any organization according to their roles and privileges. N number of activity done by them […]
Scenario 1 – Recover a Member of a Multiplexed Online Redo Log Group
Please follow the below steps. Steps : 1. Shutdown immediate; 2. Physically remove redo log member(no redo log group) by using OS level command. 3. Startup; 4. SELECT GROUP#, STATUS, MEMBER FROM v$LOGFILE WHERE STATUS=’INVALID’; 5. Check alert log file. Steps for Recovery : 1. Drop the damaged member ALTER DATABASE DROP LOGFILE MEMBER ‘D:\app\admin\oradata\orcl\REDO01.LOG’; […]
Catalog Database Configure
Description: RDB1 as TARGET SERVER RDB2 as CATALOG SERVER create a database using DBCA on catalog server as catalog database i.e. RDB create a service in target server for the catalog server connection. check service alias using TNSPING servicename(EX:TNSPING RDB2) in terminal […]