11g Oracle database’s Export parameters
In this article, we are going to learn about the parameters of Export Oracle Datapump.
Parameter | Explanation |
abort_step | Undocumented feature |
access_method | Data access method – default is automatic |
attach | Attach to exiting job -default is no |
cluster | Start work across cluster- default is yes |
compression | Content to export, default is metadata only |
content | Content to export-default is all |
current_edition | Current edition : ORA$BASE is the default |
data_options | Export data layer options |
directory | Default directory specification |
dumpfile | dumpfile name: format is (file 1,…..) default is expdat.dmp |
encryption | encryption type to be used: default varies |
encryption_algorithm | encryption algorithm to be used: default is AES128 |
encryption_mode | encryption mode to be used: default varies |
encryption_password | encryption key to be used |
estimate | calculate size estimate: default is BLOCKS |
estimate_only | only estimate the length of the job : default is N |
exclude | export exclude option: no default |
file size | file size : the size of export dumpfiles |
flashback_time | database time to be used for flashback export: no default |
flashback_scn | system change number to be used for flashback expo |
full | indicates full mode export |
include | export include option – default no |
ip_address | IP address for pl/sql debugger |
help | help display description on export parameter default is N |
job_name | job name -default no |
keep_master | keep_master return job table upon completion |
log_entry | log entry |
log file | log export |
metrics | enable/disable objects metrics reporting |
mp_enable | enable/disable multi-processing for current session |
network_link | network mode export |
nolog file | no export log file created |
package_load | specify how to load pl/sql object |
parallel | degree of parallelism |
parfile | parameter file : name of file that contains parameter specifications |
query | query used to select a subset of rows for a table. |
remap_data | transform data is user tables |
reuse_dumpfiles | reuse_dumpfiles: reuse exiting dump files default is NO |
sample | specify percentage of data to be sampled |
schema | schemas to export format is ‘(schema1, .., schemaN)’ |
service_name | service name that job will charge against |
silent | silent : display information: default is NONE |
status | interval between status updated |
tables | table to export : format is (table1, table2………tablen) |
trace | trace option : enable sql_trace and timed stat, default is 0 |
transport_full_check | tts perform test for objects in recovery set default N |
transportable | use transportable date movement : default is NEVER |
transport_tablespace | transpoerable tablespace option: default N |
tts_closure_check | enable/disable containment check: def is Y |
userid | user/password to connect to oracle : no default |
version | Job version : competiable is the default |