Oracle 11g comes up with a New Feature on Oracle Data Guard that is Active Data Guard. In Active Data Guard we can use a real-time query on Standby Database and can gain benefits by offloading read-only workload to Standby Database. To know more about Active Data Guard Oracle Active Data Guard Overview and Architecture […]
Benefits of Implementing a Logical Standby Database
Logical Standby Database in Data Guard environment stays in a Read, Write mode that is fully updatable mode. Logical Standby Database provides following benefits over any other standby database in data guard : To know more about Logical Standby Architecture: Logical Standby Database: SQL Apply Architecture The database is opened in READ, WRITE mode in logical […]
Configure DG broker
The Data Guard broker logically groups these primary and standby databases into a broker configuration that allows the broker to manage and monitor them together as an integrated unit. You can manage a broker configuration using either the Oracle Enterprise Manager graphical user interface or the Data Guard command-line interface. To know more about it […]
Oracle Active Data Guard Overview & Architecture
We have seen 3 types of Standby Databases Physical Standby Database Logical Standby Database Snapshot Standby Database To know more about it Oracle Dataguard Oracle 11g comes with a new option : Oracle Active Data Guard. Oracle Active Data Guard is an optional license for Oracle Database Enterprise Edition. Active Data Guard enables advanced capabilities that that […]
Converting a Snapshot Standby Database to a Physical Standby Database
In the previous post, we convert Physical Standby to Snapshot Standby . In this post, we can convert Snapshot Standby to Physical Standby. Prerequisites : Snapshot database is already exists Primary Database Snapshot Standby database mgr mgr Step 1 : Check Primary Database Information : SQL> select name,open_mode,database_role from v$database; NAME OPEN_MODE DATABASE_ROLE ——— ——————– […]
Converting a Physical Standby Database to a Snapshot Standby Database
In the previous post, we can read about Snapshot Standby Overview. In this post, we can convert to Snapshot Standby. Prerequisites : Physical Standby Database is already created and synchronized with Primary Database . Database Details : Step 1: Check Primary database : [oracle@localhost admin]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri […]
Activating a Snapshot Standby Database:Issues and Cautions and Target Restriction
We have already seen overview of snapshot standby database. But while converting snapshot standby database few things we need to consider. Corruption of log files : As we already know snapshot database accepts redo log files from primary when it is converted to snapshot mode but it does not apply redo log to snapshot standby. […]
Snapshot Standby Databases: Overview & Architecture
Snapshot Standby Database : We have already seen types of standby database in Data Guard. Oracle Dataguard In this article we are going to see Snapshot Standby Database in deep. In snapshot standby type database stays in a read,write mode that is fully update-able database. Snapshot standby database is created by converting physical standby database […]
Start transport and Application of redo in Data Guard
In a previous post, we have seen various methods to create Physical Standby Database. Create Standby Database using duplicate database for standby RMAN command In this post, we will see how archive logs are transferred and recovered from a standby database and concern processes for redo transport and recovery. There are main two processes in […]
Create Physical Standby Database using RMAN Backup Restore
We have seen preparing Primary Database for Dataguard and creating Oracle network service on both sides. In this article, we will see Physical Standby database creation and configuration using RMAN backup and restore. Step 1: Connect to the Primary database and check if recovery area has enough space configured or not. SQL> show parameter db_recovery NAME […]