In this article we will learn DR creation with log shipping : Prerequisites : Source Database should be in Archive log mode . Enable Archive Log Mode In Oracle RAC Details : Database Name Source DB IP DR DB IP mgr Step 1 : To create log shipping DR server force logging and […]
Oracle Dataguard
Oracle Data Guard ensures high availability, data protection, and disaster recovery for enterprise data. Data Guard provides a comprehensive set of services that create, maintain, manage, and monitor one or more standby databases to enable production Oracle databases to survive disasters and data corruptions. Dataguard maintains these standby as exact copy of primary database. So if […]

Upgrading to Oracle Database 12cR2 Using Transient Logical Standby Method
Rolling upgrade with Transient Logical Standby is known as a MAA (Maximum Availability Architecture) technique, to minimize downtime during upgrade of Oracle database. This note will document the steps for performing the Advanced Data Guard method of Transient Logical Rolling Upgrade. The following picture provides the general flow for an example migration of on-premise database […]
PROBLEM: ARCHIVE process get hang on Primary Database The problem has been that the standby hardware have some faulty backpane. This has caused processes in the standby to go into what is called as “D” state where the processes gets stuck in a kernel call. So the RFS processes on the standby are getting hung […]
Prepare standby and configure primary database for far sync
This depend on distance between primary and standby and network bandwidth. So this feature that came with 12c resolve this situation. We are preparing a database one more. This database take archive–log primary database and then send this archive–log to standby. Primary and far sync standby database are sync, whereas far sync standby database and physical standby database are async. Let’s begin with creating the physical standby with FAR SYNC instance in place. First of […]
Create Far Sync Standby Database
This depend on distance between primary and standby and network bandwidth. So this feature that came with 12c resolve this situation. We are preparing a database one more. This database take archive–log primary database and then send this archive–log to standby. Primary and far sync standby database are sync, whereas far sync standby database and […]
Data Guard Archive Tracing
You can trace the archive logs on either the primary or the standby database by setting the log_archive_trace initialization parameter alter system set log_archive_trace=8 Trace files located in user_dump_dest location. On the primary database, the log_archive_trace parameter controls the output of the ARCn (archiver) FAL (fetcharchived log) LGWR (log writer) background processes. On the standby […]
FAR SYNC in Oracle 12C Database
Oracle introduced a new feature for DataGuard called Far Sync. This configuration is design to support synchronous redo transport between primary and standby database which are far apart. In usual configuration synchronous redo transport between data centre in Europe and US is possible but inefficient from the primary database performance perspective. Every commit has to be written […]
Creation of Physical Standby in Oracle One Node
Introduction:- Data plays an important role in business operations on a day to day life. Without data, we can not perform our business operations. Data helps to generate business reports, With the help of data, all kind of business’s departments( Hr, Top management, Technical Departments, Accounts Departments etc.) can achieve their goals on time. Loss of data […]
Rolling Forward Standby Database When Archives Missing In Primary In 12c
There can be situation , in dataguard setup, where archive logs are missing from primary , before it was being shipped to standby . Till 11g , we can make standby db sync with primary by taking an incremental backup from primary and apply the same in standby . But with 12c , a new […]