Today we are going to learn about OEM.  We are going to have look on Install Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c.  Let’s have look on the technical definition of OEM.  Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM or EM) is a set of web-based tools aimed at managing software and hardware produced by Oracle Corporation as well as by some non-Oracle entities.

We can perform multiple tasks with the help of OEM which are mention below:-

  • Administer, diagnose, and tune multiple databases
  • Distribute software to multiple servers and clients
  • Schedule jobs on multiple nodes at varying time intervals
  • Monitor objects and events throughout the network
  • Customize your display using multiple graphics maps and groups of network objects, such as nodes and databases
  • Administer Oracle Parallel Servers (For information about administering Oracle Parallel Servers, see the Oracle Parallel Server Support for the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console Guide.)
  • Integrate participating Oracle or third-party tools

Benefits of the Oracle Enterprise Manager

  • Centralized Console for Single Point of Management.
  • Scalability for Growing, Distributed Environments.
  • Automated “Lights Out” Administration.
  • Autonomous Intelligent Agent.
  • Easy-to-Use Security.

From the above information, we have seen the importance of OEM. Now have look at steps which use to install Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c.

Enterprise Manager Cloud Control is viewed as a single entity, It has below components.

Oracle Management Agent: Oracle Management Agent (Management Agent) component is deployed on each monitored host. It is supervised for monitoring all of the targets running on those hosts, communicating that information to the middle-tier Oracle Management Service, and managing and maintaining the hosts and its targets.

Oracle Management Service: Oracle Management Service is a Web-based application that is connected with the Management Agents and the Management Plug-ins to discover targets, monitor and manage those targets, and dump the collected information in a repository. Oracle Management Service also provides the user interface for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

Oracle Management Repository: The Oracle Management Repository is a storage location where all of the information collected by the Management Agent is stored. It is basically a database, Where Oracle Management Service uploads the monitoring data it receives from the Management Agents to the Management Repository.Oracle Management service retrieves the data from this repository database and displays it in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console.

Management Console:The OEM Cloud Control console is the web-based user interface for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. With the help of the console, we can monitor and administer all the systems and services like databases, hosts, middleware application servers, listeners, and so on, are easily managed from one central location.

Below is the simple Architectural Diagram:

Required Softwares:

  1. Oracle Database
  2. Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud control 12c
  3. Database Template for OEM

Installing OEM 12C cloud Control:

Before Installing OEM cloud control, We need to do below 2 steps.

Installing Oracle Database software 12c

Install the oracle database software on the server, where the cloud will be installed. This ORACLE_HOME will be used for creating the repository database.

ORACLE_HOME : /oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1

Creating Repository database

Now create a repository database by using dbca utility. Make sure to use template while creating db. Once database is created, add below entry in the oratab.


Now Unzip the cloud software and execute runInstaller.

cd /data/software/12cloud$ cd /data/software/12cloud

unzip /data/software/12cloud$ unzip

unzip /data/software/12cloud$ unzip

unzip /data/software/12cloud$ unzip


Here, provide the REPOSITORY DATABASE details.

Run the above script as root user. And press ok.

With this cloud, installation has been completed. Now it will generate below url to access the cloud console.

Thank you for giving your valuable time to read the above information.


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  1. Kellyn Pot'Vin-Gorman

    Great post and I love how you covered the basics of the tiers of a cloud control environment. Could I request you update this to EM13c? 13.2 is available and unlike EM12c, it’s not on extended support. It can be very frustrating for customers to invest in a product, only to find that they have to pay for any support of the product and the framework was changed extensively for EM13c, so well worth the investment to the new version.

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Skant Gupta

      Hey Kellyn
      I am really thankful for comment.
      This is our first article on OEM , we are already in process to cover all basic of OEM.
      Hopefully next article will be OEM 12c to OEM 13c upgradation.


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