The logical standby database is in Read-Write mode means a fully updatable mode. A database can be accessed and potential data may be changed. So Oracle data guard provides a lock. We can configure GUARD on the database at a different level according to our requirement. Logical Standby Database Creation A user access can be […]
Articles Tagged: Logical Standby
Benefits of Implementing a Logical Standby Database
Logical Standby Database in Data Guard environment stays in a Read, Write mode that is fully updatable mode. Logical Standby Database provides following benefits over any other standby database in data guard : To know more about Logical Standby Architecture: Logical Standby Database: SQL Apply Architecture The database is opened in READ, WRITE mode in logical […]
Logical Standby Database : SQL Apply Architecture
Oracle DataGuard supports logical and physical standby databases. Logical Standby: When primary database generates any redo entries it is transferred to standby database and then redo data are converted into SQL statements and then those SQL statements are applied to standby database. To read more about Physical Standby Database Physical Standby Database: Redo Apply Architecture […]

Upgrading to Oracle Database 12cR2 Using Transient Logical Standby Method
Rolling upgrade with Transient Logical Standby is known as a MAA (Maximum Availability Architecture) technique, to minimize downtime during upgrade of Oracle database. This note will document the steps for performing the Advanced Data Guard method of Transient Logical Rolling Upgrade. The following picture provides the general flow for an example migration of on-premise database […]