GGSCI stands for Golden Gate Software Command Interface. YES..! It is a command interface that executes Oracle golden gate commands.

To work with GGSCI interface first go to your Golden Gate installation directory

[oracle@localhost oracle]$cd /u02/ggate

Now, open ggsci prompt using ./ggsci command :

[oracle@localhost ggate]$ ./ggsci
./ggsci: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

We can see here , it gives an error saying “error while loading shared libraries”

So we need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable .

[oracle@localhost ggate]$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/lib:/usr/lib

Now try to login through ggsci.

[oracle@localhost ggate]$ ./ggsci

Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle
Version OGGCORE_12.
Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 12c on Apr 16 2018 00:53:30
Operating system character set identified as UTF-8.

Copyright (C) 1995, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 1>

We can see here error is gone and I got ggsci prompt.

You can get any help regarding Golden Gate commands with help command :

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 1> help

This file describes the commands that can be issued through the Oracle GoldenGate  
Software Command Interface (GGSCI). This is the command interface between  
users and Oracle GoldenGate functional components.  
Summary of Manager Commands  
Use the Manager commands to control the Manager process. Manager is the parent  
process of Oracle GoldenGate and is responsible for the management of its processes  
and files, resources, user interface, and the reporting of thresholds and errors.  
Command                     Description   
INFO MANAGER                Returns information about the Manager port and process id.   
SEND MANAGER                Returns information about a running Manager process and optionally 
                            child processes.   
START MANAGER               Starts the Manager process.   
STATUS MANAGER              Returns the state of the Manager port and process ID.   
STOP MANAGER                Stops the Manager process.   
Summary of Extract Commands  
Use the Extract commands to create and manage Extract groups. The Extract process  
captures either full data records or transactional data changes, depending on configuration  
parameters, and then sends the data to a trail for further processing by a downstream  
process, such as a data-pump Extract or the Replicat process.  
Command                     Description   
ADD EXTRACT                 Creates an Extract group.   
ALTER EXTRACT               Changes attributes of an Extract group   
CLEANUP EXTRACT             Deletes run history for an Extract group   
DELETE EXTRACT              Deletes an Extract group.   
INFO EXTRACT                Returns information about an Extract group.   
KILL EXTRACT                Forcibly terminates the run of an Extract group.   
LAG EXTRACT                 Returns information about Extract lag.   
REGISTER EXTRACT            Registers an Extract group with an Oracle database.   
SEND EXTRACT                Sends instructions to, or returns information about, a running   
                            Extract group.   
START EXTRACT               Starts an Extract group.   
STATS EXTRACT               Returns processing statistics for an Extract group.   
STATUS EXTRACT              Returns the state of an Extract group.   
STOP EXTRACT                Stops an Extract group.   
FORCEAPPEND                 Allows data pump to add new trail files on top of existing initial load files 
UNREGISTER EXTRACT          Unregisters an Extract group from an Oracle database.  
Summary of Replicat Commands  
Use the Replicat commands to create and manage Replicat groups. The Replicat  
process reads data extracted by the Extract process and applies it to target tables  
or prepares it for use by another application, such as a load application.  
Command                     Description   
ADD REPLICAT                Adds a Replicat group.   
ALTER REPLICAT              Changes attributes of a Replicat group.   
CLEANUP REPLICAT            Deletes run history of a Replicat group.   
DELETE REPLICAT             Deletes a Replicat group.   
INFO REPLICAT               Returns information about a Replicat group.   
KILL REPLICAT               Forcibly terminates a Replicat group.   
LAG REPLICAT                Returns information about Replicat lag.   
REGISTER REPLICAT           Registers a Replicat group with an Oracle database.   
SEND REPLICAT               Sends instructions to, or returns information about, a running   
                            Replicat group.   
START REPLICAT              Starts a Replicat group.   
STATS REPLICAT              Returns processing statistics for a Replicat group.   
STATUS REPLICAT             Returns the state of a Replicat group.   
STOP REPLICAT               Stops a Replicat group.   
SYNCHRONIZE REPLICAT        Returns all threads of a coordinated Replicat to a uniform  
                            start point after an unclean shutdown of the Replicat process.   
UNREGISTER REPLICAT         Unregisters a Replicat group from an Oracle database.   
Summary of the ER Command 
Use the ER command to issue standard Extract and Replicat commands to multiple 
Extract and Replicat groups as a unit. See "ER" for how to use this command. 
Command                     Description 
INFO ER *                   Returns information about the specified wildcarded groups. 
KILL ER *                   Forcibly terminates the specified wildcarded groups. 
LAG ER *                    Returns lag information about the specified wildcarded groups 
SEND ER *                   Sends instructions to, or returns information about, the 
                            specified wildcarded groups. 
START ER *                  Starts the specified wildcarded groups. 
STATS ER *                  Returns processing statistics for the specified wildcarded 
STATUS ER *                 Returns the state of the specified wildcarded groups. 
STOP ER *                   Stops the specified wildcarded groups. 
Summary of Wallet Commands  
Use the wallet commands to manage the master-key wallet that stores Oracle GoldenGate  
master encryptions keys, and to add master keys to this wallet.  
Command                     Description   
CREATE WALLET               Creates a wallet that stores master encryption keys.   
OPEN WALLET                 Opens a master-key wallet.   
PURGE WALLET                Permanently removes from a wallet the master keys that are   
                            marked as deleted.   
ADD MASTERKEY               Adds a master key to a master-key wallet.   
INFO MASTERKEY              Returns information about master keys.   
RENEW MASTERKEY             Adds a new version of a master key.   
DELETE MASTERKEY            Marks a master key for deletion.   
UNDELETE MASTERKEY          Changes the state of a master key from being marked as deleted   
                            to marked as available.   
Summary of Credential Store Commands  
Use the credential store commands to manage an Oracle GoldenGate credential store and  
to add credentials to the credential store.  
Command                     Description  
ADD CREDENTIALSTORE         Creates a credentials store (wallet) that stores encrypted   
                            database user credentials.   
ALTER CREDENTIALSTORE       Changes the contents of a credentials store.   
INFO CREDENTIALSTORE        Returns information about a credentials store.   
DELETE CREDENTIALSTORE      Deletes the wallet that serves as a credentials store.   
Summary of Trail Commands  
Use the trail commands to create and manage Oracle GoldenGate trails. A trail is a series  
of files in which Oracle GoldenGate temporarily stores extracted data on disk until it has  
been applied to the target location.  
Command                     Description  
ADD EXTTRAIL                Adds a local trail to the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.   
ADD RMTTRAIL                Adds a remote trail to the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.   
ALTER EXTTRAIL              Changes attributes of a local trail.   
ALTER RMTTRAIL              Changes attributes of a remote trail.   
DELETE EXTTRAIL             Removes a local trail from the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.   
DELETE RMTTRAIL             Removes a remote trail from the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.   
INFO EXTTRAIL               Returns information about a local trail.   
INFO RMTTRAIL               Returns information about a remote trail.   
Summary of Parameter Commands  
Use the parameter commands to view and manage Oracle GoldenGate parameter files.  
See Administering Oracle GoldenGate for more information about how to work with parameter  
Command                     Description  
EDIT PARAMS                 Opens a parameter file for editing in the default text editor.   
SET EDITOR                  Sets the default text editor program for editing parameter files.   
VIEW PARAMS                 Displays the contents of a parameter file in read-only mode on-screen.   
INFO PARAM                  Returns parameter definition information.   
Summary of Database Commands  
Use the database commands to interact with the database from GGSCI.  
Command                     Description   
DBLOGIN                     Logs the GGSCI session into a database so that other commands that  
                            affect the database can be issued.   
DUMPDDL                     Shows the data in the Oracle GoldenGate DDL history table.   
ENCRYPT PASSWORD            Encrypts a database login password.   
FLUSH SEQUENCE              Updates an Oracle sequence so that initial redo records are  
                            available at the time that Extract starts capturing transaction  
                            data after the instantiation of the replication environment.   
LIST TABLES                 Lists the tables in the database with names that match the input specification.   
MININGDBLOGIN               Specifies the credentials of the user that an Oracle GoldenGate process  
                            uses to log into an Oracle mining database.   
SET NAMECCSID               Sets the CCSID of the GGSCI session in a DB2 for i environment.   
Summary of Trandata Commands  
Use trandata commands to configure the appropriate database components to provide the  
transaction information that Oracle GoldenGate needs to replicate source data operations.  
Command                     Description   
ADD SCHEMATRANDATA          Enables schema-level supplemental logging.   
ADD TRANDATA                Enables table-level supplemental logging.   
DELETE SCHEMATRANDATA       Disables schema-level supplemental logging.    
DELETE TRANDATA             Disables table-level supplemental logging.   
INFO SCHEMATRANDATA         Returns information about the state of schema-level   
                            supplemental logging.   
INFO TRANDATA               Returns information about the state of table-level supplemental   
SET_INSTANTIATION_CSN       Sets whether and how table instantiation CSN filtering is used.   
CLEAR_INSTANTIATION_CSN     Clears table instantiation CSN filtering.   
Summary of Checkpoint Table Commands  
Use the checkpoint table commands to manage the checkpoint table that is used by Oracle  
GoldenGate to track the current position of Replicat in the trail.  
For more information about checkpoints and using a checkpoint table,  
see Administering Oracle GoldenGate. 
Command                     Description   
ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE         Creates a checkpoint table in a database.   
CLEANUP CHECKPOINTTABLE     Removes checkpoint records that are no longer needed.   
DELETE CHECKPOINTTABLE      Removes a checkpoint table from a database.   
INFO CHECKPOINTTABLE        Returns information about a checkpoint table.   
UPGRADE CHECKPOINTTABLE     Adds a supplemental checkpoint table when upgrading Oracle  
                            GoldenGate from version or earlier.   
Summary of Oracle Trace Table Commands  
Use the trace table commands to manage the Oracle GoldenGate trace table that is used  
with bidirectional synchronization of Oracle databases. Replicat generates an operation  
in the trace table at the start of each transaction. Extract ignores all transactions  
that begin with an operation to the trace table. Ignoring Replicat's operations  
prevents data from looping back and forth between the source and target tables.  
For more information about bidirectional synchronization, see Administering  
Oracle GoldenGate for Windows and UNIX 
Command                     Description   
ADD TRACETABLE              Creates a trace table.   
DELETE TRACETABLE           Removes a trace table.   
INFO TRACETABLE             Returns information about a trace table.   
Summary of Oracle GoldenGate Monitor JAgent Commands  
Use the JAgent commands to control the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor JAgent.  
Command                     Description   
INFO JAGENT                 Returns information about the JAgent.   
START JAGENT                Starts the JAgent.   
STATUS JAGENT               Returns the state of the JAgent.   
STOP JAGENT                 Stops the JAgent.   
Use the PMSRVR commands to control the Performance Metrics Server process. The  
Performance Metrics Server uses the metrics service to collect and store  
instance deployment performance results. 
Command                     Description   
INFO PMSRVR                 Returns information about the PMSRVR.   
START PMSRVR                Starts the PMSRVR.   
STATUS PMSRVR               Returns the state of the PMSRVR.   
STOP PMSRVR                 Stops the PMSRVR.   
Summary of Oracle GoldenGate Automatic Heartbeat Commands  
Use the heartbeat table commands to control the Oracle GoldenGate automatic  
heartbeat functionality.  
Command                     Description   
ADD HEARTBEATTABLE          Creates the objects required for automatic heartbeat functionality.   
ALTER HEARTBEATTABLE        Alters existing heartbeat objects.   
DELETE HEARTBEATTABLE       Deletes existing heartbeat objects.   
DELETE HEARTBEATENTRY       Deletes entries in the heartbeat table.   
INFO HEARTBEATTABLE         Displays heartbeat table information.   
Summary of Procedural Replication Commands 
Use the following commands to enable, delete or retrieve information about procedures  
that have supplemental logging turned on. 
Command                     Description   
ADD PROCEDURETRANDATA       Adding supplemental logging for Procedural Replication. 
DELETE PROCEDURETRANDATA    Remove supplemental logging for Procedural Replication. 
INFO PROCEDURETRANDATA      Display display supplemental logging information about Procedural Replication. 
Summary of Miscellaneous Oracle GoldenGate Commands  
Use the following commands to control various other aspects of Oracle GoldenGate.  
Command                     Description  
!                           Executes a previous GGSCI command without modifications.   
ALLOWNESTED | NOALLOWNESTED Enables or disables the use of nested OBEY files.   
CREATE SUBDIRS              Creates the default directories within the Oracle GoldenGate home directory. 
DEFAULTJOURNAL              Sets a default journal for multiple tables or files for the ADD   
                            TRANDATA command when used for a DB2 for i database.   
FC                          Allows the modification and re-execution of a previously issued   
                            Provides assistance with syntax and usage of GGSCI commands.   
HISTORY                     Shows a list of the most recently issued commands since the   
                            startup of the GGSCI session.   
INFO ALL                    Displays status and lag for all Oracle GoldenGate processes on   
                            a system.   
OBEY                        Processes a file that contains a list of Oracle GoldenGate commands. 
SHELL                       Executes shell commands from within the GGSCI interface.   
SHOW                        Displays the attributes of the Oracle GoldenGate environment.   
VERSIONS                    Displays information about the operating system and database.   
VIEW GGSEVT                 Displays the Oracle GoldenGate error log (ggserr.logfile).   
VIEW REPORT                 Displays the process report or the discard file that is generated   
                            by Extract or Replicat.   

For help on a specific command, type HELP <command> <object>.


GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 2>

To get help of specific command you can apply help command with that specific command

For example :

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 2> help add extract

Use ADD EXTRACT to create an Extract group. Unless a SOURCEISTABLE task or  
an alias Extract is specified, ADD EXTRACT creates an online group that uses  
checkpoints so that processing continuity is maintained from run to run.  
For DB2 for i, this command establishes a overall start point for all journals  
and is a required first step. After issuing the ADD EXTRACT command, you can  
then optionally position any given journal at a specific journal sequence  
number by using the ALTER EXTRACT command with an appropriate journal option.  
Oracle GoldenGate supports up to 5,000 concurrent Extract and Replicat  
groups per instance of Oracle GoldenGate Manager. At the supported level,  
all groups can be controlled and viewed in full with GGSCI commands such  
as the INFO and STATUS commands. Oracle GoldenGate recommends keeping the  
combined number of Extract and Replicat groups at the default level of  
300 or below in order to manage your environment effectively.  
This command cannot exceed 500 bytes in size for all keywords and input,  
including any text that you enter for the DESC option.  
Syntax for a Regular, Passive, or Data Pump Extract  
ADD EXTRACT group_name 
   , TRANLOG [bsds_name | LRI_number] | 
   , VAM | 
   , EXTFILESOURCE file_name | 
   , EXTTRAILSOURCE trail_name | 
   , VAMTRAILSOURCE VAM_trail_name} 
 BEGIN {NOW | yyyy-mm-dd[ hh:mi:[ss[.cccccc]]]} | 
 EXTSEQNO sequence_number, EXTRBA relative_byte_address | 
 EOF | 
 LSN [value] | 
 EXTRBA relative_byte_address | 
 EOF | LSN value | 
 PAGE data_page, ROW row_ID | 
 SEQNO sequence_number 
 SCN value 
 PARAMS file_name 
 REPORT file_name 
 DESC 'description' 
 SOCKSPROXY {host_name | IP_address}[:port] [PROXYCSALIAS credential_store_alias 
[PROXYCSDOMAIN credential_store_domain]]] 
 RMTNAME passive_Extract_name] 
 DESC [description] 
The name of the Extract group. The name of an Extract group can contain  
up to eight characters. See for group naming conventions. See Administering  
Oracle GoldenGate for group naming conventions. 
Creates an Extract task that extracts entire records from the database  
for an initial load using the Oracle GoldenGate direct load method or  
the direct bulk load to SQL*Loader method. If SOURCEISTABLE is not  
specified, ADD EXTRACT creates an online change-synchronization process,  
and one of the other data source options must be specified. When using  
SOURCEISTABLE, do not specify any service options. Task parameters  
must be specified in the parameter file.  
For more information about initial load methods, see Administering Oracle  
TRANLOG [bsds_name| LRI_NUMBER]  
Specifies the transaction log as the data source. Use this option for all  
databases except Teradata. TRANLOG requires the BEGIN option.  
(DB2 on z/OS) You can use the bsds_name option for DB2 on a z/OS system to  
specify the Bootstrap Data Set file name of the transaction log, though it  
is not required and is not used. You do not need to change existing TRANLOG  
(DB2 LUW) You can use the LRI_NUMBER option for DB2 LUW systems to specify  
the LRI record value for the checkpoint transaction log.  
(Oracle) As of Oracle Standard or Enterprise Edition, this mode  
is known as classic capture mode. Extract reads the Oracle redo logs  
directly. See INTEGRATED TRANLOG for an alternate configuration.  
(Oracle) Adds this Extract in integrated capture mode. In this mode, Extract  
integrates with the database logmining server, which passes logical change  
records (LCRs) directly to Extract. Extract does not read the redo log. Before  
using INTEGRATED TRANLOG, use the REGISTER EXTRACT command. For information  
about integrated capture, see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation for your database. 
(MySQL and Teradata) Specifies that the Extract API known as the  
Vendor Access Module (VAM) will be used to transfer change data to Extract.  
Specifies an extract file as the data source. Use this option with a secondary  
Extract group (data pump) that acts as an intermediary between a primary  
Extract group and the target system.  
For file_name, specify the relative or fully qualified path name of the file,  
for example dirdat/extfile or c:\ggs\dirdat\extfile.  
Specifies a trail as the data source. Use this option with a secondary Extract  
group (data pump) that acts as an intermediary between a primary Extract group  
and the target system.  
For trail_name, specify the relative or fully qualified path name of the trail,  
for example dirdat/aa or c:\ggs\dirdat\aa.  
(Teradata) Specifies a VAM trail. Use this option when using Teradata maximum  
protection mode.  
For VAM_trail_name, specify the relative or fully qualified path name of the VAM  
trail to which the primary Extract group is writing. Use a VAM-sort Extract group  
to read the VAM trail and send the data to the target system.  
BEGIN {NOW | yyyy-mm-dd[ hh:mi:[ss[.cccccc]]]}  
Specifies a timestamp in the data source at which to begin processing.  
    For all databases except DB2 LUW, NOW specifies the time at which the  
    ADD EXTRACT command is issued.  
    For DB2 LUW, NOW specifies the time at which START EXTRACT takes effect. It  
    positions to the first record that approximately matches the date and time.  
    This is because the only log records that contain timestamps are the commit  
    and stop transaction records, so the starting position can only be calculated  
    relative to those timestamps. This is a limitation of the API that is used  
    by Oracle GoldenGate.  
    Do not use NOW for a data pump Extract except to bypass data that was captured  
    to the trail prior to the ADD EXTRACT statement.  
    yyyy-mm-dd[ hh:mi:[ss[.cccccc]]]  
    A date and time (timestamp) in the given form. For an Oracle Extract in  
    integrated mode, the timestamp value must be greater than the timestamp at  
    which the Extract was registered with the database.  
    * Positioning by timestamp in a SQL Server transaction log is affected by  
    the following characteristics of SQL Server:  
      - The timestamps recorded in the SQL Server transaction log use a 3.333  
      microsecond (ms) granularity. This level of granularity may not allow  
      positioning by time between two transactions, if the transactions began  
      in the same 3.333 ms time interval.  
      - Timestamps are not recorded in every SQL Server log record, but only in  
      the records that begin and commit the transaction, as well as some others  
      that do not contain data.  
      - SQL Server timestamps are not from the system clock, but instead are  
      from an internal clock that is specific to the individual processors in use.  
      This clock updates several times a second, but between updates it could get  
      out of sync with the system clock. This further reduces the precision of  
      positioning by time.  
      - Timestamps recorded for log backup files may not precisely correspond to  
      times recorded inside the backup (however this imprecision is less than a  
    Positioning to an LSN is precise. 
EXTSEQNO sequence_number, EXTRBA relative_byte_address  
Valid for a primary Extract in classic capture mode for Oracle and a data pump  
Extract. Not supported for an Oracle Extract in integrated mode. Specifies  
either of the following:  
* sequence number of an Oracle redo log and RBA within that log at which  
to begin capturing data.  
* the file in a trail in which to begin capturing data (for a data pump).  
Specify the sequence number, but not any zeroes used for padding. For  
example, if the trail file is c:\ggs\dirdat\aa000026, you would specify  
EXTSEQNO 26. By default, processing begins at the beginning of a trail  
unless this option is used.  
Contact Oracle Support before using this option. For more information, go to 
EXTRBA relative_byte_address  
Valid for DB2 on z/OS. Specifies the relative byte address within a transaction  
log at which to begin capturing data. The required format is 0Xnnn, where  
nnn is a 1 to 20 digit hexadecimal number (the first character is the digit  
zero, and the second character can be upper or lower case letter x).  
Valid for SQL Server and DB2 for i. Configures processing to start at the end  
of the log files (or journals) that the next record will be written to. Any  
active transactions will not be captured.  
LSN [value]  
Valid for SQL Server. Specifies the LSN in a transaction log  
at which to start capturing data. The specified LSN should exist in a log  
backup or the online log. An alias for this option is EXTLSN.  
For SQL Server, an LSN is composed of one of these, depending on how the  
database returns it:  
* Colon separated hex string (8:8:4) padded with leading zeroes and 0X prefix,  
as in 0X00000d7e:0000036b:01bd  
* Colon separated decimal string (10:10:5) padded with leading zeroes,  
as in 0000003454:0000000875:00445  
* Colon separated hex string with 0X prefix and without leading zeroes,  
as in 0Xd7e:36b:1bd  
* Colon separated decimal string without leading zeroes, as in 3454:875:445  
* Decimal string, as in 3454000000087500445  
In the preceding, the first value is the virtual log file number, the  
second is the segment number within the virtual log, and the third is  
the entry number. You can find the LSN for named transactions by using  
a query like:  
select [Current LSN], [Transaction Name], [Begin Time] from fn_dblog(null, null)  
where Operation = 'LOP_BEGIN_XACT' and [Begin Time] = 'time'  
The time format that you should use in the query should be similar to  
'2015/01/30 12:00:00.000' and not '2017-01-30 12:00:00.000'.  
You can determine the time that a particular transaction started, then find  
the relevant LSN, and then position between two transactions with the same  
begin time.  
EOF | LSN [value]  
Valid for DB2 LUW. Specifies a start position in the transaction logs when  
Extract starts.  
    Configures processing to start at the active LSN in the log files. The  
    active LSN is the position at the end of the log files that the next  
    record will be written to. Any active transactions will not be captured.  
    LSN [value]  
    Configures processing to start at an exact LSN if a valid log record  
    exists there. If one does not exist, Extract will abend. Note that,  
    although Extract might position to a given LSN, that LSN might not  
    necessarily be the first one that Extract will process. There are  
    numerous record types in the log files that Extract ignores, such as  
    DB2 internal log records. Extract will report the actual starting LSN  
    to the Extract report file.  
SEQNO sequence_number  
Valid for DB2 for i. Starts capture at, or just after, a system sequence  
number, which is a decimal number up to 20 digits in length.  
SCN [value]  
Valid for Oracle. Starts Extract at the transaction in the redo log  
that has the specified Oracle system change number (SCN). This option  
is valid for Extract both in classic capture and integrated modes. For  
Extract in integrated mode, the SCN value must be greater than the SCN  
at which the Extract was registered with the database. For more  
information, see REGISTER EXTRACT. 
PARAMS file_name  
Specifies the full path name of an Extract parameter file in a location  
other than the default of dirprm within the Oracle GoldenGate directory.  
REPORT file_name  
Specifies the full path name of an Extract report file in a location other  
than the default of dirrpt within the Oracle GoldenGate directory.  
Valid for Oracle classic capture mode. Specifies the number of producer  
threads that Extract maintains to read redo logs.  
Required in an Oracle RAC configuration to specify the number of producer  
threads. These are the Extract threads that read the different redo logs  
on the various RAC nodes. The value must be the same as the number of nodes  
from which you want to capture redo data.  
Specifies that this Extract group runs in passive mode and can only be  
started and stopped by starting or stopping an alias Extract group on  
the target system. Source-target connections will be established not  
by this group, but by the alias Extract from the target.  
This option can be used for a regular Extract group or a data-pump  
Extract group. It should only be used by whichever Extract on the  
source system is the one that will be sending the data across the  
network to a remote trail on the target.  
For instructions on how to configure passive and alias Extract groups,  
see Administering Oracle GoldenGate.  
DESC 'description'  
Specifies a description of the group, such as 'Extracts account_tab on  
Serv1'. Enclose the description within single quotes. You may use the  
abbreviated keyword DESC or the full word DESCRIPTION.  
SOCKSPROXY{host_name| IP_address}[:port] [PROXYCSALIAS credential_store_alias 
Use for an alias Extract. Specifies the DNS host name or IP address of the  
proxy server. You can use either one to define the host though you must use  
the IP address if your DNS server is unreachable. If you are using an IP  
address, use either an IPv6 or IPv4 mapped address, depending on the stack  
of the destination system. You must specify the PROXYCSALIAS. In addition,  
you can specify the port to use, and the credential store domain.  
RMTNAME passive_extract_name  
Use for an alias Extract. Specifies the passive Extract name, if different  
from that of the alias Extract.  
Example 1  
The following creates an Extract group named finance that extracts database  
changes from the transaction logs. Extraction starts with records generated  
at the time when the group was created with ADD EXTRACT.  
Example 2  
The following creates an Extract group named finance that extracts database  
changes from Oracle RAC logs. Extraction starts with records generated at  
the time when the group was created. There are four RAC instances, meaning  
there will be four Extract threads.  
Example 3  
The following creates an Extract group named finance that extracts database  
changes from the transaction logs. Extraction starts with records generated  
at 8:00 on January 21, 2011.  
ADD EXTRACT finance, TRANLOG, BEGIN 2017-01-21 08:00  
Example 4  
The following creates an integrated capture Extract group.  
Example 5  
The following creates an Extract group named finance that interfaces with  
a Teradata TAM in either maximum performance or maximum protection mode.  
No BEGIN point is used for Teradata sources.  
ADD EXTRACT finance, VAM  
Example 6  
The following creates a VAM-sort Extract group named finance. The process  
reads from the VAM trail /ggs/dirdat/vt.  
Example 7  
The following creates a data-pump Extract group named finance. It reads  
from the Oracle GoldenGate trail c:\ggs\dirdat\lt.  
Example 8  
The following creates an initial-load Extract named load.  
Example 9  
The following creates a passive Extract group named finance that extracts  
database changes from the transaction logs.  
Example 10  
The following creates an alias Extract group named financeA. The alias  
Extract is associated with a passive extract named finance on source system  
sysA. The Manager on that system is using port 7800.  
ADD EXTRACT financeA, RMTHOST sysA, MGRPORT 7800, RMTNAME finance  
Example 11  
The following examples create and position Extract at a specific Oracle  
system change number (SCN) in the redo log.  
ADD EXTRACT finance TRANLOG SCN 123456  
Example 12  
The following example creates an alias Extract specifying the host to use.  
ADD EXTRACT apmp desc "alias extract" RMTHOST lc01abc MGRPORT 7813 RMTNAME  
ppmp SOCKSPROXY lc02def:3128 PROXYCSALIAS proxyAlias  
Example 13  
The following example creates an Extract on a DB2 LUW system.  
ADD EXTRACT extcust, TRANLOG LRI 8066.322711  

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 3> 

You will find all the details regarding your command with examples.

Let us see some examples of ggsci commands :

1. Let’s try adding an extract file :

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 4> add extract ext1, tranlog begin now    
EXTRACT added.

2. “!” the sign is used to repeat any command we have applied previously

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 5> !
add extract ext1, tranlog begin now
ERROR: EXTRACT EXT1 already exists.

We have already added extract so it gives me an error when I used ! sign as it repeats the command previously given.

3. Stopping and Starting manager of Golden Gate

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 6> stop manager
Manager process is required by other GGS processes.
Are you sure you want to stop it (y/n)?Y

Sending STOP request to MANAGER ...
Request processed.
Manager stopped.

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 7> Start Manager
Manager started.

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 8>

4. Get details of specific extract group

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 10> info extract ext1 , detail

EXTRACT    EXT1      Initialized   2018-09-18 11:28   Status STOPPED
Checkpoint Lag       00:00:00 (updated 00:02:49 ago)
Log Read Checkpoint  Oracle Redo Logs
                     2018-09-18 11:28:32  Seqno 0, RBA 0
                     SCN 0.0 (0)
                     *** No TARGETEXTTRAILS specified yet ***

  Extract Source                          Begin             End             

  Not Available                           * Initialized *   2018-09-18 11:28

Current directory    /u02/ggate

Report file          /u02/ggate/dirrpt/EXT1.rpt (does not yet exist)
Parameter file       /u02/ggate/dirprm/ext1.prm (does not yet exist)
Checkpoint file      /u02/ggate/dirchk/EXT1.cpe
Process file         /u02/ggate/dirpcs/EXT1.pce
Error log            /u02/ggate/ggserr.log

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 11>

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