With my previous articles on Golden Gate, you must have got idea Golden Gate configuration is done with its parameter files for each process.

Architecture of Extract Trails and Files

Today we will see configuring parameters in more detail.

Oracle Golden Gate uses two types of parameter files.

  1. Parameter files [run time]: Parameters which are associated with the specific processes, such as extract process, data pump process.

Run time parameters give you control over GG synchronization process like Data Selection and mapping, logging etc.

Manager process, Extract group and replicat group can be associated with only  one parameter file

2. GLOBALS files: Oracle Golden Gate provides facility to set GLOBAL parameters. The GLOBALS file stores parameters that relate to the Oracle GoldenGate instance as a whole.

The default location of Golden Gate parameter file is a dirprm directory under Golden Gate installation directory.

GLOBALS file does not have any extension.

A GLOBALS parameter file is needed only in specific circumstances and when it is used must be created from the command shell before starting any GG process.

GGSCI program reads the GLOBALS file and passes the parameters to processes that need them.

Let’s create a parameter file using ggsci prompt.

To create parameter file in ggsci we can use EDIT PARAM option.

The GLOBALS parameter file is identified by its path.

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 18> edit param ./GLOBALS

Manager and utility parameter files are identified by keywords :

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 20> edit param mgr

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 20> edit param defgen

Extract and Replicat parameter files are identified by process group :

For example :

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 23> info all

Program     Status      Group       Lag at Chkpt  Time Since Chkpt

MANAGER     RUNNING                                           
REPLICAT    RUNNING     REP2        00:00:00      00:00:07

To set replicat parameters :

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 24> edit params rep2

To set extract parameters where extract group name is ext2 :

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 24> edit params ext2

Now let’s differentiate Process parameters and GLOBALS parameters :

  GLOBALS Parameter Process Parameters
Applies Applies when the manager starts Applies when the associated process starts
Location Resides in OGG_HOME/GLOBALS OGG_HOME/dirprm/processname.prm
Priority Does not override process parameters Overrides GLOBALS setting
Table Level Applies to all tables that are specified but some process parameters can be specified at tables level

Configuring GLOBALS Parameter : 

To create a GLOBALS file :

1.Connect to ggsci prompt, use edit params./GLOBALS, or open this file in text editor :

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 25> EDIT PARAMS ./GLOBALS

2. The default editor is notepad in windows and vi in Linux, you can set editor using set editor command that remains for your current session.

This command will open a text editor. In this file enter GLOBALS parameter one per line.

Some common GLOBALS parameters are :

MgrServName ggsmanager1: Defines unique manager service name on windows
CheckPointTable ggs_owner.ggschktbl: Defines the default checkpoint table for a replicat process

3.Exit ggsci.

You must start a new session for GLOBALS parameters to take effect.

Configuring Manager Parameters :

The Manager is Oracle Golden Gate parent process. The Manager controls other Oracle Golden Processes, resources, user interface and reporting of threshold and errors.

You always need to set a unique port for each manager process.

Manager Parameters :

DynamicPortList: we can specify ports that manager can dynamically assign.

AutoStart: Specifies process that is to be started when the manager process starts.

AutoRestart: When abnormal termination happens this process can automatically be restarted.

PurgeOldExtracts: Purge trail files that are no longer needed based on options set.

To know about the manager process

Configuring Manager in Oracle Golden Gate

Configuring Extract Parameters : 

Extract process parameters specify the following details :

  1. Name of Extract Group

2. Where to send data

  • Local System
  • Multiple Remote System
  • One-to-many golden gate trail files

3.What Data to capture

  • Table Names
  • Rows and Columns [ data filteration]
  • Operation


By default, the Extract process sends data without transformation.

To know more about the extract process

Configuring Change Capture

Configuring Replicat Parameters :

Replicat process parameters specify the following :

1.Name of Replicat group that is also associated with checkpoint file.

2.A list of source – to – target relationship

  • Optional row selection criteria
  • Optional column mapping
  • Optionally stored procedure or SQL query execution
  • Optional transformation services

3.Error Handling

By default, the replicat process applies all insert, update and delete operations.

To know more about the replicat process

Configuring Change Delivery

Thank you for giving your valuable time to read the above information.

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