In previous articles, we have seen the configuration of change capture. Oracle Golden Gate architecture is mainly a collection of two main process Extract and Replicat.

Extract process runs as source side from which you want to capture data and Replicat process runs at Destination side where you want run replication process.

Each trail file generated by the associated extract process is read by the replicat process sequentially. Replicat supports a high volume of data replication activity and thus network activity is block based and not a record at a time.

Replicat process preserves boundaries of each transaction while replicating, so in case of loss of connectivity target database has the same level of integrity as a source database.

Characteristics of the Replicat process :

  1. The replicat process runs at the target side.
  2. Multiple replicat processes can be used in association with multiple extract process to increase throughput.
  3. The replicat process can read data from Oracle Golden Gate trail files generated by the extract process.
  4. The replicat process can perform data filtering by table, row or by an operation.
  5. We can perform data transformation using replicat.
  6. Replicat process replicates data in such a way it looks like your application performed that operation.

Step by step Configuration of Replicat process

Step 1: Create a checkpoint table in the target database

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain as ggs_owner@stdorcl) 5> Add checkpointtable ggs_owner.chktbls

Step 2: Create a parameter file for replicat

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain as ggs_owner@stdorcl) 6>Edit param rep2
replicat rep2
userid ggs_owner@stdorcl,password oracle
table hr.* , map hr.*;

Step 3: Create a replicat group

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain as ggs_owner@stdorcl) 7> add replicat rep2,exttrail /u02/ggate/dirdat/ba,checkpointtable ggs_owner.chktbls

Step 4: Start the replicat process

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain as ggs_owner@stdorcl) 20> start rep2
Sending START request to MANAGER ...
REPLICAT REP2 starting

Step 5: Check the status of the replicat process

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain as ggs_owner@stdorcl) 21> info all
Program     Status      Group       Lag at Chkpt  Time Since Chkpt
MANAGER     RUNNING                                           
REPLICAT    ABENDED     REP1        00:00:00      23:03:57    
REPLICAT    RUNNING     REP2        00:00:00      00:00:01

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