Storing a PDB in a Flex Disk Group

I must thank my fellow DBA Franky Weber Faust for his publication in his blog. In this post I board a little more about the Flex Disk Group. In the previous post we had started this subject, if you did not see check there The purpose here is to show how to store a PDB in a Flex Disk Group. In […]

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Tablespace growth in Oracle

— Find Tablespace growth size in number of days. set feed off set pages 1000 lines 180 column “tablespace_name” heading “Tablespace | Name” format a20 select to_char (sp.begin_interval_time,’dd-mm-yyyy’) days, ts.tsname, max(round((tsu.tablespace_size* dt.block_size )/(1024*1024),2) ) cur_size_mb, max(round((tsu.tablespace_usedsize* dt.block_size )/(1024*1024),2)) usedsize_mb from dba_hist_tbspc_space_usage tsu, dba_hist_tablespace_stat ts, dba_hist_snapshot sp, dba_tablespaces dt where tsu.tablespace_id= ts.ts# and tsu.snap_id = sp.snap_id and […]

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Oracle Upgrade Grid and Database Home to with GUI

What is Upgration? It is the process of replacing your existing software with an advance version of the identical product.Upgrading your applications usually do not require special tools. Your existing reports should look and behave the same in both products. For Example: Replacing Oracle 9i release to Oracle 10g release, SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008 etc. Why […]

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Creating a Disk Group with Flex Redundancy

I must thank my fellow DBA Franky Weber Faust for his publication in his blog. The goal here is to introduce how to create a disk group with one of the new features of Oracle ASM in version, the Flex Redundancy or Flex Disk Group. This new type of Disk Group redundancy in ASM […]

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Monitoring RMAN Backup with QBR tools

The Quest Backup Reporter is a windows client application. It can connect too many databases at a time and reports directly from oracle data dictionary views and RMAN catalog. It does not make any modification to either database as well as RMAN configuration. It is just a read only reporting tools. Quest Backup Reporter tools […]

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HTML-Based Application Architecture

Introduction:-  In this article, we are going to learn about HTML-Based Application Architecture. Later on, we will learn about its working process. Being an Application DBA we have knowledge of Oracle Application Architecture. Now we have look on HTML-Based Application Architecture. Oracle HTML-based application are those designed in pure HTML and JavaScript. They dynamically generate HTML pages by executing Java code. […]

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Upgrade to Oracle 12.2 with dbupgrade utility

Oracle Database 12c release 1 (12.1) introduced the Parallel Upgrade Utility, This utility reduces the total amount of time it takes to perform an upgrade by loading the database dictionary in parallel, and by using multiple SQL processes to upgrade the database. Performing parallel upgrades of components enables you to take advantage of your […]

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Configure Data Redaction on Oracle

In previous article we provide the brief introduction about Data Redaction on Oracle. Now in this post, we are going to configure different type of Data Redaction in Oracle 12c. Full Data Redaction Partial Data Redaction Random Data Redaction Data Redaction with REGEXP For the demonstration on this I have a table that holds credit […]

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Oracle Data Redaction

Oracle Data Redaction enables you to mask (redact) data that is returned from queries issued by applications. You can redact column data by using one of the following methods: Full redaction. You redact all of the contents of the column data. The redacted value returned to the querying application user depends on the data type of […]

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